Hello Haycock...10.10.20



Greetings Haycock Families,

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us at our Principal Coffees on Thursday. The presentation highlights are below.

Our staff continues to work very hard to plan for and deliver high quality instruction for all our students in this virtual setting. We ask that you work with us as partners to ensure that requests for technical assistance, conversations with teachers, or registering your concerns does not take place during the time teachers are providing instruction or small group support to our students.  

We’ve had some questions regarding the iReady Universal Screener assessments that our students are taking. These assessments provide valuable data for teachers to plan instruction that is tailored to meet the needs of each student. For more information about iReady and to view resources that explain how you can support your student at home when taking these assessments, please see https://www.fcps.edu/us.

We want to hear how things are going at home! Please give us feedback on the following Google form.

Haycock ES Virtual Feedback

With Haycock Pride,

Dr. Liz Beaty




Welcome, Dr. Liz Beaty!

* Special Education Teacher - Union Mill ES, Deer Park ES, Virginia Run ES, Oakton ES

* Assistant Principal - Braddock ES, Chesterbrook ES

* Adjunct Professor - George Mason University


Our Vision:

* Celebrate the things we are doing well

* Share our great story and Haycock pride!

* Continue to expand opportunities and access for all to rigorous, high quality instruction

* Focus on equity and honor diversity

* Together, we can virtually accomplish anything


Online Instruction:

The best ways to assist your child:

* Provide a quiet spot for them to work

* Allow students to answer and participate

* Encourage and support

* Rally around the teachers (they are working so hard!)

* Instructional blocks are what they are

* Small group support times are what they are

* We are working closely together as home-school partners




Haycock Library Book Checkout

Option One: Request up to 10 books by completing this form on line.

Option Two: Search the Haycock Library Catalog and place a hold on books using your FCPS network username and password.


Pick Up/Return Process

* Student will receive an email when books are ready for pick up.

* Books will be in a bag marked with student's name on a library cart, under the awning by the main entrance of Haycock Elementary School.

* Books may be picked up Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm.

* Return books Monday-Friday in bins outside of the main entrance.


Mrs. Farrell, Librarian and Mrs. Chamberlain, Library Assistant, look forward to checking out books to you.  Please contact us with any questions or comments. 

**Once books are returned, FCPS requires that they are quarantined for 7 days.*






Don’t wait one more day to join and contribute to the Haycock PTA!

This is the last week of our annual PTA fundraising drive.  


We are only 51 families away from hitting our goal of 50% parent participation in our PTA Armchair fundraiser and $5,200 away from hitting $30,000 raised. Let’s bring this thing home!


A huge thank you to the 224 families who have contributed and joined the PTA so far.   

The question is, are you one of the 224?  


If not, please consider joining the PTA and making a one-time contribution to our Armchair fundraiser. The money we raise helps pay for supplement educational tools for our teachers and students, continuing education for our teachers, registration fees for club participation, books, computers and more.  


To contribute visit the Haycock PTA website (haycockpta.org) OR click this link:   https://form.jotform.com/202415247091145


P.S. Does your employer match contributions?  If so, and you need a letter of receipt, please contact Paige Hahn at paigehahn@gmail.com.  She’d be happy to provide one.



Attention 5th and 6th graders! 

Are you interested in becoming a part of Haycock’s SCA? 


The process may look different this year, but we are so excited to continue this tradition and elect officers for the 2020-2021 school year!

The SCA helps to spread positivity within the Haycock community.  SCA officers help to develop the fun spirit weeks that we can have virtually, as well as come up with fundraising ideas that help others in the community. 


To be an SCA officer, you must:

  • Attend monthly meetings before school
  • Promote school spirit days, fundraisers, and other SCA events
  • Check your fcpsschools email account weekly in order to stay in contact with other officers and advisors
  • Enjoy working as part of a team and be a positive role model and leader at Haycock

Please be aware meetings that are held for SCA take place mornings before school, beginning around 8:30 am. Make sure that this is something you can commit to all year before deciding to apply. 


The deadline to apply is Monday, October 19th at 3:00 p.m.  

Click Here for the link to the application.


We look forward to working with you this year!

Ms. Baker and Mrs. Hecht

