
Student Rights and Responsibilities

Parents and guardians, please review the Student Rights and Responsibilities and related resources at  After reviewing this important information, fill out the SR&R Parent Acknowledgement FormThe form must be filled out one time per student.


Free and Reduced Lunch Applications

If you have not completed a lunch application, please do so online in English or Spanish as soon as possible. If you want a paper copy, you can print one at  by going to the Food and Nutrition page on the FCPS website. We ask that you also complete the Consent to Exchange Information (Section 4) of the application This will allow your family to access other benefits.

One new benefit is that FCPS has made arrangements with COX cable to pay for  internet access for families that have a financial need.  The approval letter for free and/or reduced lunch will provide the evidence. Please complete the application as the first step in determining if your family can take advantage of this new support.

Click on the video Link  to help you with accessing and understanding how to complete the application. 


“Go Paperless” Progress Report (Report Card) Option Now Available

The “Go Paperless” option is now available to all elementary parents to allow you to receive online progress reports starting the first quarter of SY 20/21. This will not impact any other mailings from FCPS other than the progress reports for elementary students and report cards for secondary students. To take advantage of the paperless option, please log into ParentVUE, then go to “My Account” and select "Go Paperless." (All parents and/or guardians who live with the student and share the same address must have a SIS ParentVUE account and must select the paperless option to prevent mailing of the printed progress reports.)




If you would like to receive the newsletter in Spanish, please click the link below and sign up.


Si desea recibir el boletín en español, haga clic en el enlace a continuación y regístrese. ¡¡Gracias!!



Impact Aid

Due to the virtual start of the school year, the Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid will be handled centrally this year. Pre-printed survey forms will be mailed to parents of specific students, likely the week of October 19th. Parents will be asked to return the survey in an enclosed postage-paid envelope by November 6th. The forms will be mailed back to Wilton Woods Center for processing by Information Technology (IT).  

Please direct and questions about Impact Aid to the following email address or phone number:


PTA News




Fairfax County Offers Programs to Help Parents Support Children During Distance

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fairfax County government’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) is offering two programs to support parents, guardians, and students in distance learning.

Parent Connect provides in-person services for parents and guardians at NCS Community Centers and other community locations. Assistance includes support related to digital literacy and Internet access; support related to language barriers; and connection to county Health and Human Services resources, service navigation and referrals. Beginning today, Monday, September 28, these services are offered by appointment only Monday through Friday, 3-8 p.m., though times may vary by location.

NCS Connects: After School is a virtual platform providing programming for youth and teens Monday through Friday, 3-6 p.m. Virtual programs include academics (i.e., STEAM), family engagement, service learning, and youth leadership development.

More information is available online.

Our closest center is Gum Springs Community Center 8100 Fordson Road, Alexandria, VA 22306 703-360-6088 Mon-Fri, 3-8 p.m.


Need Internet Connectivity?

Cox Communication has announced new customers that qualify will receive Connect2Compete, the company's low-cost internet, for two months at no cost.  New customers must sign up between July 21 and September 30 for free service, which also includes free technical support.  

A summary of enhancements and benefits of Cox's Connect2Compete program include: 

  • 2 months of free Connect2Compete service and remote desktop and phone support through Cox Complete Care for eligible new customers who apply between July 21 and September 30, $9.95/month thereafter
  • Easy referral for discounted, refurbished equipment through PCs for People
  • Student and family access to the Cox Digital Academy, which provides computer literacy training and educational resources for students
  • Free WiFi modem rental
  • Access to over 3M+ Cox Hotspots nationwide

This summer, Cox announced a new digital learning platform available to Connect2Compete customers to keep kids engaged in academics this summer.  

The Cox Connect2Compete program is available to families who:

  • Have at least one child that is a K-12 student at home
  • Participate in one of these government subsidies programs: The National School Lunch Program, SNAP, TANF, Head Start, WIC, LIHEAP, or Public Housing 

Families can qualify for Connect2Compete easily from anywhere whether on their mobile device or desktop by visiting


Copies of Free/Reduced Letters for Families. If parents/guardians are in need of a replacement copy of their child’s Free and Reduced Meals Eligibility Notification Letter they should request one by contacting the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) at or 703-813-4800.


Necesita Conectividad a Internet?

Cox Communication ha anunciado que los nuevos clientes que califiquen recibirán Connect2Compete, el Internet de bajo costo de la compañía, durante dos meses sin costo alguno. Los nuevos clientes deben registrarse entre el 21 de julio y el 30 de septiembre para obtener un servicio gratuito, que también incluye soporte técnico gratuito.

Un resumen de las mejoras y beneficios del programa Connect2Compete de Cox incluye:

2 meses de servicio Connect2Compete gratuito y soporte remoto por teléfono y escritorio a través de Cox Complete Care para nuevos clientes elegibles que presenten su solicitud entre el 21 de julio y el 30 de septiembre, $ 9.95 / mes a partir de entonces

Referencias fáciles para equipos reacondicionados con descuento a través de PC para personas

Acceso para estudiantes y familias a Cox Digital Academy, que brinda capacitación en informática y recursos educativos para los estudiantes.

Alquiler de módem WiFi gratuito

Acceso a más de 3M + Cox Hotspots en todo el país

Este verano, Cox anunció una nueva plataforma de aprendizaje digital disponible para los clientes de Connect2Compete para mantener a los niños involucrados en lo académico este verano.

El programa Cox Connect2Compete está disponible para familias que:

Tener al menos un hijo que sea estudiante de K-12 en casa

Participe en uno de estos programas de subsidios gubernamentales: el Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares, SNAP, TANF, Head Start, WIC, LIHEAP o Vivienda Pública

Las familias pueden calificar para Connect2Compete fácilmente desde cualquier lugar, ya sea en su dispositivo móvil o computadora de escritorio, visitando


Copias de Cartas Gratuitas / Reducidas para Familias. Si los padres / tutores necesitan una copia de reemplazo de la Carta de notificación de elegibilidad para comidas gratis o reducidas de su hijo, deben solicitar una comunicándose con la Oficina de Servicios de Alimentos y Nutrición (FNS) en o al 703-813-4800.


Virtual Body Safety Classes are available to ANY students living in Fairfax County!

  • I’ll work directly with your family to schedule the class(es) based on their availability and using their preferred platform
  • Parents/guardians/caretakers are welcome to participate in the classes
  • Children will receive individualized or small (sibling) group lessons and any referring party will be provided with an update following the class
  • The families will also receive information sheets that include the 5 safety rules the children learn, additional tips and talking points that they can review with their children, as well as a list of helpful books – the referring worker will be copied on these follow-up emails with the information.


The Speak Up Be Safe curriculum is research-based, evidence informed and developmentally appropriate for children in grades pre-k through 6th grade.


Classes are currently being in taught in English. Spanish classes being offered, coming VERY soon!

Classes can be scheduled with non-English speaking parents/guardians/caretakers using an interpreter.

The information below can be shared with your Spanish speaking parents/guardians/caretakers.

For more info click here or email me!


¡Las clases virtuales de seguridad corporal están disponibles para CUALQUIER estudiante que viva en el condado de Fairfax!

El Programa de Seguridad Corporal se enseña GRATIS en escuelas primarias, centros de cuidado infantil, centros comunitarios y otros entornos grupales para niños de Pre-K a sexto grado.Es un programa escolar que se centra en desarrollar habilidades de seguridad dentro del niño, preparándolo para identificar riesgos tales como:

  • Abuso infantil.
  • Bullying.
  • Seguridad en Internet.

El plan de estudios, Childhelp® Speak Up Be Safe, ofrece a los niños una manera cómoda y no alarmante de hablar sobre el problema sensible y complejo del abuso infantil:


  • Los niños aprenden a prevenir o interrumpir el abuso, empoderándolos para que actúen si son amenazados o victimizados.
  • Los facilitadores capacitados dirigen la presentación interactiva que toma alrededor de dos horas, incluyendo un video apropiado para la edad.
  • Los folletos y los recursos en línea refuerzan el aprendizaje e involucran a las familias en la discusión sobre la seguridad y el abuso personales.

El Programa de Seguridad Corporal se ha vuelto virtual en respuesta a COVID 19


El Programa de Seguridad Corporal ahora ofrece clases virtuales a cualquier estudiante de Pre-K a sexto grado que viva en el Condado de Fairfax. Si está interesado en obtener más información o programar una(s) clase(s) virtual(es), comuníquese con Francesca Watson por correo electrónico o llame al 703-324-7459.


Clases virtuales

  • Disponible prácticamente a través de una plataforma preferida
  • Sesiones más cortas (30 minutos-1 hora)
  • Emphasis en la seguridad en línea
  • Incluir un componente interactivo a través de chat o video campanado de los estudiantes
  • No incluya un video, pero puede proporcionar materiales suplementarios para estudiantes/padres


Monthly Events

Calendar Reminder


October 12: Indigenous People's Day - Student Holiday

October 30: First Grading Period Ends

November 2-3: Student Holidays

November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break - Student Holiday

December 21 - January 1, 2021: Winter Break - Student Holiday

2020-21 Standard School Year Calendar