Franklin MS Update: Register for FMS Parent and Family Office Hours on October 5

Parent and Family Office Hours on Monday, October 5

As part of our Back to School Night offerings, parents and families will have the opportunity to meet teachers virtually during our Parent and Family Office Hours event on Monday, October 5. These are open sessions with our staff, so only general questions about the course, content, instructional and grading practices, attendance, make-up policies and curriculum resources may be answered during this time. Questions specific to a particular student may be addressed through individual conferences arranged directly with the teacher or through the student’s counselor.

The Parent and Family Office Hours are scheduled for October 5 from 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM and will occur through Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU). If you will be attending this event, we ask that you register in advance before October 4 using the form below. All registered families will be emailed BBCU links on the morning of the event. We look forward to connecting with you next week.

Please click here to register for the Parent and Family Office Hours.