September 23, 2020
Your Source for News about the Highlander Community
Join Our First Virtual PTSA Meeting Tonight!
Wednesday, September 23, 7 to 8:30 pm
Join Assistant Principal Jeff Barham and the PTSA for our first General Meeting of the year. Following the meeting, hear from our guest speakers: Paul Stansbery, Director of Student Services; and Nick Corsi, Systems of Support Advisor (SOSA), who will provide information that will benefit both parents and students. Come learn about various systems of support available to students (academic, behavioral, social, and emotional) as well as the different roles that Student Services, the SOSA, and the Clinical Team play here at MHS. This is your opportunity to get your questions answered about resources available for students and help your child reach their potential. You can find meeting materials here.
Submit your questions here. The meeting link will be sent an hour before the meeting. Please enter your full name when joining the session, as it allows us to obtain quorum for our meeting.
Support the PTSA and your School Community
You are invited to connect, support, and engage with our McLean community! Learn how your support helps here.
Verify Your Information for the School Directory - Only 20% of McLean families have verified their information. If you haven't already, please take five minutes to verify your contact information for the school directory and join and support the PTSA by logging into AtoZ Connect. Please contact if you have questions or need assistance.
Donate: We request you consider making a tax free donation, this is our only annual fundraiser. Your contribution translates directly to academic enhancements, programs in the virtual environment, improved technology, and courtyard and facilities renovation for our student body to bolster support during this pandemic. Click here to donate. As a token of our appreciation, our Silver level donors ($100) get a magnet and our Red level donors ($200) get a face mask. Make your donations by September 27th to receive your gifts by the end of the month!
Earn rewards while you shop: Help Our Cause (NEW this year!): Check out a one-stop shop to earn rewards while shopping at 1000+ stores online or on your phone. Simply register once and use it often to get shopping discounts, travel rebates, discounted textbook purchases, electronics and vehicle donations, and much more. Learn more about the program here.
Please help our McLean HS teachers and staff pack and distribute over 2,300 bags of class materials! The sign up genius link shows the days and times
Bag Stuffing (Sept 25-28)
The plan is to have bags with each student’s schedule, along with the items they need, printed on the outside of the bag. Staff and volunteers will take empty bags to the Lower Gym where all materials will be located. Each bag will need to be stuffed with the appropriate materials.
Distribution (Sept 29-Oct 2)
The plan is to have students drive up Westmoreland to Door 9/the Rock Entrance. Here, each student will stay in their car and have their name prominently displayed on a car window. When they pull up, staff and parent volunteers will retrieve the material bag for that student and take it to the car. We will have approximately 130 kids an hour if everyone comes through.
Volunteers Needed for the PTSA Grants Committee
The PTSA Grants Committee seeks to fund programs/items that enhance the learning experience at McLean High School and needs parents, particularly parents of incoming freshmen, to help review these grant applications from the MHS faculty and staff. The time commitment is minimal, with two meetings per year, once in the fall and once in the winter. Please note that committee members are required to be a MHS PTSA member during the 2020-2021 school year. If you are interested in participating in this years’ committee and/or you have questions, please contact
Upcoming Mock ACT & SAT Tests
EC Tutoring is offering a mock ACT test on Oct. 3rd and a mock SAT test on Oct. 17th. These tests are available to students at area schools for $20. Please remember to identify yourself as an MHS student on the sign up form so that the PTSA gets credit; the fees support our programs.
Mock ACT, October 3: Sign up here
Mock SAT, October 17: Sign up here
MHS Parent Meetings
- PTSA General Meeting 9/23 @ 7 p.m.
- Senior Parents University 10/2 @ 12:00
- Junior Parents University, 11/6, time TBD, topic is testing 101
Links will be sent one-hour prior to the meeting
Many meetings can be found on the MHPTSA calendar page at

Art Competition: The Theme for the 2020-21 School Year is I Matter Because…
Students can submit their completed works of art in one or all of the six available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Student winners from the local level have the opportunity to move up through their district, region, and state PTA programs to the national level. Several MHS students won awards last year.
Submissions will be done online. All submissions are due by Friday, October 2nd. Judging will take place in the fall and all students will be notified before Thanksgiving break. Please access the website for submission rules and Student entry forms here.
Questions? Please contact Reflections Chair Sarah Liberatore at
Did You Know...?
The FCPS website ( has daily updates, and a special education planning update was recently added (
Volunteer Openings
The McLean PTSA is an all-volunteer organization. Whether you have the time and energy to chair a committee or prefer to volunteer an hour at an occasional event, YOUR PTSA NEEDS YOU and appreciates all that you do!
All open positions can be found here:
Additionally, we'll highlight one open position each week until all are filled:
Membership Co-Chair
The membership co-chair works directly with the Vice President for Fundraising to create and implement a membership plan, promote membership, and provide membership reports at PTSA board and general meetings. Excel skills are helpful in analyzing membership data and creating membership reports from AtoZ Connect. Training for transition provided.