9/18 Paw Print

Carol and me

Dear Poplar Tree Families,

We hope this message finds your healthy and well! Below is information about upcoming student assessments, Students Rights and Responsibilities, and how to request Tech support. 

Speaking of Tech support, please know that our Technology Support Specialist (TSSpec) is with us 2.5 days per week, and is responding to IT tickets as quickly as possible. We know that a number of students are experiencing issues with their school issued laptops, and that can be very frustrating for both parents and students. We are all in this together, and need to give each other patience and grace. Thank you for your understanding.

Stay safe, healthy, and have a wonderful weekend!

Sue Andujar


Carol Larsen

Assistant Principal


In the next few weeks your child will be taking a variety of assessments across content areas. The purpose of these assessments is to determine students’ areas of strength and growth. This data will help drive the teachers’ instruction and enable differentiation to best support your child this school year. These assessments will not be graded. To ensure equity, these assessments should be completed independently by the student. 

One of those assessments is the online iReady assessment (also known as the universal screener) which provides an initial view of all students’ foundational skills to help teachers identify students who may have challenges in reading or mathematics. Students in grades K-6 will take the iReady reading assessment. Students in grades 1-6 will take the iReady mathematics assessment. More information about the assessment can be found on the FCPS Universal Screener Parent Notification webpage.

Teachers will discuss the assessment with students in advance, including how to log in and what to expect. Resources to help families administer the assessment at home, including a short video and checklist for parents,  can be found on the FCPS Universal Screener webpage.

For questions, please contact your child’s teacher or contact Carol Larsen, Assistant Principal/Test Coordinator (calarsen@fcps.edu )



Student Rights and Responsibilities

Parents and guardians, please review the Student Rights and Responsibilities and related resources at www.fcps.edu/srr

After reviewing the information, fill out the SR&R Parent Acknowledgement Form using this link: https://forms.gle/1PqnoMzP9EiPj3j58 

❗The form must be filled out one time for each student in your family.

tech help

Tech Help Info

We know that as we move through Virtual Learning, technology issues arise. If you're having trouble with your FCPS laptop, here's a few things to try:

  1. Restart your computer! (We have found that this solves MANY of our problems - including those microphone, camera, and sound issues!)
  2. Visit this webpage to checkout some self-help guides!
  3. FCPS has launched a new Parent Technology Help Desk. The help desk can be reached at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS) and will be answered by staff members between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m., seven days a week.
  4. If you still cannot get your laptop working, students and/or parents can submit an IT support ticket to get help with district digital resources or your FCPS issued laptop.  Find the portal here.

As tickets are received, we will be getting to them as quickly as we can. Our Technology Support Specialist (TSSpec), who troubleshoots our technology issues is with us 2.5 days per week. Please know that everyone is working very hard and being as responsive as humanly possible.

In addition, Poplar Tree is welcoming a new TSSpec in the coming weeks and Ms. Sharron Wooden, our current TSSpec will be transitioning to another school. We are extremely sad to lose Ms. Wooden as she is and always will be a very important part of the Poplar Tree family. 

We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding!