

Dear Beech Tree Families,

Thank you for joining us this week for the start of our 2020-2021 school year. Our attendance and participation rate was excellent and we have reached out to assist the few who were not able to log on right away. I’m incredibly proud of the engaging and interactive lessons our teachers provided and equally proud of how our children are thriving and teaching us the greatest lesson in perserverance.

If you would like to revisit the technology lessons provided by our School Based Technology Specialist, Mike Meyer, during our Tech Town Hall, please visit to watch the recording.  I also encourage you and your family to visit our technology resource page for parents and students at for with help on logging into Blackboard, Google Classroom, student Gmail, and other applications.  Here, you will also find a link to FCPS Technology Support for Families that provides parent phone numbers to call for assistance in various languages.  Remember that all FCPS webpages can be translated into many different languages. Here are some reminders on how to take care of your school issued computers: Mr. Meyer, our School Based Technology Specialist, will also continue to be available to support students and parents with any tech issues starting 9/8/20, at  Please join him at on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30 am – 9:15 am for any technology assistance your family might need.

This Monday, will be our first of the school year. Students are encouraged to join their grade level for Morning Meeting at 9:15am, using the Monday Morning Meeting link sent by their homeroom teacher. Afterwards, students may attend sessions offered at 10:15am and/or 11:15am. Students may remain in their Morning Meeting link for grade level sessions or use the session links sent to their Gmail account to participate in specials lessons and activities. Should you have any questions regarding specials, please reach out to the specialists using their emails below in the “Reminders” section. Here is Monday’s schedule:


Family Tech Office Hours w/ Mike Meyer


Grade Level Morning Meeting


Grade Level Whole Group & Break Out Sessions

ESOL Levels 1

PE & Art


Kgt-2nd & Autism

Music & Arabic 3rd-5th & Autism

STEM Kgt-2nd

*All other supports will be by teacher invitation


Grade Level Whole Group & Break Out Sessions

ESOL Levels 2

PE & Art


3rd-5th & Autism

Music & Arabic Kgt-2nd & Autism

ECO Club


Mondays through Fridays, when students log in to their Morning Meeting, teachers will take attendance. If students are unable to participate on any given school day, parents must report the absence to the school office: Please email the teacher, to keep him/her informed, as well.

Throughout Beech Tree’s virtual instruction, we are using a variety of technological tools. Please use this form to agree (consent) or disagree (refusal) for your child to use the FCPS-approved online tools listed on the school website as part of the instructional program.





Friday (LSC)


Teacher Tech Office Hours

Family Tech Office Hours

Teacher Tech Office Hours

Family Tech Off Hours


Morning Mtg (SEL)

Morning Mtg (SEL)

Morning Mtg (SEL)

Morning Mtg (SEL)


Specials for 3rd & Kgt

Tues/Thur = 4th Strings

Wed/Fri = 5th Strings

ELD/SPED/AAP (for those not in specials)


K-2 Language Arts/ 3-5 Math

K-2 Language Arts/ 3-5 Math

K-2 Language Arts/ 3-5 Math

K-2 Language Arts/ 3-5 Math












Specials for 4th & 1st

Wed/Fri = 5th Band

ELD/SPED/AAP (for those not in specials)


K-2 Math/3-5 Language Arts

K-2 Math/3-5 Language Arts

K-2 Math/3-5 Language Arts

K-2 Math/3-5 Language Arts


Specials for 5th & 2nd

ELD/SPED/AAP (for those not in specials)


*IEPs/504s 3:15-4:15

*IEPs/504s 3:15-4:15

*IEPs/504s 3:15-4:15

*IEPs/504s 3:15-4:15

“Library Curbside Pickup” will be available on Mondays from 1-3pm and Wednesdays from 4-6pm.  We will begin on Wednesday, September 16. Students need to place their holds in our catalog by the end of the day on Fridays. Students can place up to 5 holds.  Here is a link to our catalog. . Please remember that you must log in using your username and password.  This is the same information you use for logging onto your computer. Once a hold is placed, I will check out the items and send an email about when you can pick up your items.  Emails will be sent to the Students’ school email account for grades 3-5 and parents email for K-2. If you would like the email sent to a different account, please contact our Librarian, Tina Britton at

Books will be placed in a large manilla envelope with the student’s name on it.  The envelopes will be placed on a table outside the front door. Students will pick up their envelope and be on their way.  Ms. Britton will be sitting in the lobby monitoring the pickup. Please place books you are returning in the box.  Put your envelope in the other container.  Books will be quarantined for one week before they are checked in.

Please watch the video  if you need a refresher on how to place a hold.  Please email Ms. Tina Britton at with any questions or concerns.


In the last week, 4th and 5th grade students had the opportunity to learn about the Band and Strings Programs at Beech Tree! Students in 4th and 5th grade also received an email in their email account with links to a presentation and registration forms.

Parents are asked to please complete the registration forms for Band/Strings by this Friday, September 18th! Please email Ms. Susens ( or Ms. Bowen ( with any questions you may have.

As a reminder, an automated process has been created to make it easier for students and staff to locate the links to their Collaborate sessions.  Students and staff can see a label in their Gmail titled BBCU Links.  This label will be applied to emails with Collaborate links.   A script will run automatically that will create an email filter for all users and that script will do four things:


  1. Star messages coming from Scheduler
  2. Mark the message as “Important”
  3. Apply the label “BBCU links” to emails coming from Scheduler
  4. Prevent the message from going to the Spam folder.


This will enable students to find their Collaborate session links in one convenient location without having to sift through their email. To locate their sessions, users have two options:


  1. Click the BBCU Links label. If students do not see the BBCU Link label, they can click More to expand the view.
  2. Click the down arrow to pull all Starred Messages.

Please remember to reach out to our School Based Technology Specialist, Mike Meyer or Technology Specialist, Tom Kindregan, at their emails below, should you have any technology needs or concerns. When you come in for a scheduled appointment with them, please remember to wear a mask and remain 6 feet apart. These measures are meant to keep both you and them, as safe as can be. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

As always, thank you for your trust and your support. Please reach out if you ever have any questions or concerns.

Karim Daugherty


Beech Tree ES


“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell


Beech Tree Office Contacts

Spanish Speaking Parent Liaison: Stella O’Brien at

School-Based Technology Specialist (logging on/using programs): Mike Meyer at

Technology Specialist (laptop issues): Tom Kindregan at

Registrar: Susan Do at

Attendance Secretary: Sheila Hudson at

Principal’s Secretary: Esther Baca at

Assistant Principal: Maureen Lopez at

Advanced Academics Resource Teacher: Patty Settel at


Beech Tree Specialists Contacts

Kiri Cooper, Music Teacher at

Meriem Bacha, Arabic Teacher at

Greg Skrtic, Art Teacher at

Yolanda Adams, Guidance Counselor at

Mike Jenkins, PE Teacher at

Tina Britton, Librarian at

Miller Susens, Strings Teacher (4th & 5th) at

Lindsay Bowen, Band Teacher (5th) at

Kristen Hollen, STEM Teacher at


Bilingual Community Liaisons

Bilingual community liaisons support student registrars by providing families with information about school and community services offered in Fairfax County. Community liaisons also help parents fill out forms and complete applications:

  • English and Korean: 7032044317
  • English and Spanish: 7032044316
  • English, Arabic, and French: 7032044315


Beech Tree Digital Resources

Parent Resources for Distance Learning:

Video Tutorials for Distance Learning:


Grab & Go Food

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) will continue to provide “Grab-and-Go” meals during the upcoming school year. Our goal is to provide every student in FCPS daily access to a healthy breakfast and lunch during this pandemic:


Internet Access

If you still need internet access and would like to borrow a MiFi device from Fairfax County Public Schools, please complete this form: 

If you participate in, or are financially eligible for one of these government subsidies programs: The National School Lunch Program (Free and Reduced Lunch), Head Start, SNAP, TANF, WIC, LIHEAP or Public Housing, you may complete this form for internet service assistance:



Please let neighbors know that they may register their child by contacting Mrs. Susan Do, Beech Tree Registrar, at sndo@fcps.eduto to make arrangements for specific enrollment information. 


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates:

Please continue to check updates through our Fairfax County Public School website.  We hope that you and your family are staying safe, happy and healthy during these ever changing times. 

To find the last updates from Fairfax county please go to

You can also find updates from The Center of Disease Control and Prevention at