Falcon Flyer: September 12, 2020

Volume 4, Issue 3; September 12, 2020

Simon Sinek Quote

Dear Flint Hill Families,

The first week of school is behind us, and what a wonderful first week it has been! Just as you would imagine with any new school year, there are the jitters before the first day--and the lack of sleep that accompanies the jitters. Then, there is the exhilaration that follows when the first day ends, and of course, the first week. You are probably experiencing some semblance of exhaustion right now...

What makes this year particularly unique is that we may be feeling all the feels each week as we navigate virtual learning for ourselves and those we serve. This does not mean that we are not planned and prepared--because we are! Rather, it is ok to feel unsettled by the changes and the impact on the day-to-day for you, your child, and your entire family. 

As we continue with virtual learning, we will be focusing on not only building stamina for our littlest learners, as well as the learning to learn behaviors that are necessary to thrive in any environment, but we will also be increasing the intellectual demand of assignments and, similarly, expectations across all grade levels.

For those of you who are aware that your child is struggling with learning online, we understand! Our staff is here to support you and to provide ideas that can help your child take control of their learning, take breaks when needed, and for our kindergarten students, even a nap, when warranted. We know that mirroring a school day in an online capacity is a lofty goal, albeit one that we have achieved. This does not mean it is easy, always accessible, and developmentally appropriate for all students. Our aim is to do our best, and all we ask in return is that you do the same. Nothing more, nothing less. We will epitomize goal-directed and resilient learning together, and we will build on our collective successes each day. 

For now, we hope you take a well-deserved screen break with your family. Perhaps, focus on reading, board games, outdoor learning, and other assorted ways to invest in fun as individuals and as families. 

As Mrs. Hoak and I reflect on this past week, we could not be prouder of our #FHESfamily, and we hope you deeply feel our gratitude. I believe our community has grown closer in the past 6 months, and I am humbled, each day, by the positive regard and compassion members of our school family demonstrate on a daily basis.

Here's to a wonderful first week of learning, and many more to come!


Dr. Hertzberg, Principal

Counselor Corner!

Just-in-Time Support

Congratulations Flint Hill Family! Week one of distance learning is complete!

As we embark on this new journey together, we understand the challenges that this learning environment can create for families. Setting the foundation for routines and clear expectations early on will help set the tone for student success throughout the entire school year. Check out our tips for supporting your child at home. 

Set a routine. 

  • Children thrive with structure. Make sure they know what to expect each day.  Referencing a visual schedule in their work area will help them stay on track and be aware of what is next. 
  • Have your child gather all necessary materials and supplies for the next day prior to going to bed. This will ensure that your child is not rushed and looking for materials in the morning.      
  • Schedule a time to check-in with your child daily, or weekly, to review what they are learning within Google Classroom.     

  • As many parents are working from home, it is important to review expectations with your family. Establishing clear routines for spending time together, discussing when is it acceptable to interrupt, and what downtime will look like in your household, will decrease struggles and increase your child's control and independence over their school day.

Encourage self-regulation.

  • Discuss the connection between bodies and brains. Acknowledge what happens in our bodies when we feel frustrated, excited, or sad. Having this awareness will help children recognize and manage their emotions.  

  • If your child has another device, please keep it away from their workspace. Parents may need to keep additional electronics in a remote location to avoid temptation during the school day. 

  • Remind your child to take advantage of break times. Stepping away from the screen to get a drink of water, or to stand and stretch, can keep your child on track and ready to learn! (*See Dinosaur Workout for ideas!)

Need an additional thought partner to brainstorm ways to support your child this year? Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Amy Williams (2,3, 4, 6), or Ms. Lorraine Tran (K, 1, 5), Flint Hill's school counselors! 

Dinosaur Workout for Kids

Band and Strings 

Information Night

Have you met our new Band and new Strings Teachers yet? Has your child demonstrated an interest in taking an instrument this year? 

The band and strings teachers at Flint Hill are hosting an information night on Thursday, September 17th, from 6-7 pm! If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP here. A link will be provided to you prior to the event.

During this session, students will learn more about class expectations, instruments, registration, and what it means to be a part of the Flint Hill Falcon music team! Ms. Landers and Ms. Venne cannot wait to start off this exciting new year with you, and we hope to see you there!

Here is some additional information you can access to make an informed decision with your child. 

Parents, you will need to sign into your child’s Google account to view the documents.


Google Doc

music notes

Monday Electives and More!

Electives begin this Monday! Please read the Friday email from your child's teacher to obtain the Google Meet links! These are optional and are in addition to the asynchronous learning opportunities!

K-2 Sessions: 12:30-1:00

3-6 Sessions 1:15-1:45

Monday Electives

Coming soon!

Library checkout and curbside pickup!

In the next few weeks, Ms. Rankin will be sharing details about our new ebooks, as well as Monday Afternoon Curbside Pickup! Students will be able to put books on hold and access ebooks in the Destiny library system. In the meantime, don't forget that myON has thousands of ebooks from PreK to Middle School. Log on using your student's FCPS username and password. If you are interested in getting a head start on those ebooks, check out this instruction video!

9-11 anniversary


Yesterday marked the 19th anniversary of September 11th. If you are seeking ways to help explain September 11th to your child, please consider using these resources. Thank you to those who have served, and continue to serve, who protect our freedom!

Tweet of the Week

We continue to highlight learning experiences that support the acquisition of Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills across our community and Google classrooms.

A tweet for every day this week! As Ms. Jones pointed out, we are definitely goal-directed and resilient learners at Flint Hill!

For more information on Portrait of a Graduate, ask your child how they are a communicator, collaborator, critical and creative thinker, goal-directed and resilient individual, or ethical and global citizen. Or, click here!

Ms. Kaluza Tweet 1
Ms. Pirog Tweet 1
PTA Pres. Tweet 1
Ms. Jones tweet 1

Please click on our hashtag, #FHESfamily, for more awesome highlights from Flint Hill! There are just too many to highlight them all!

Tweet, tweet, Flint Hill family! 


Please Mark Your Calendars!

Great news! Flint Hill Elementary School's events are now easily added to your own personal calendar. To find out how to download our calendar feed, please go here.

September 16th: Portrait of a Flint Hill Graduate Night

                             K-2: 5:30-6:15 pm

                             3-6: 6:15-7:00 pm

September 21st: PTA Meeting, 7 pm (Register through the PTA.)

September 29th: Virtual Parent Coffee, 10 am (Link TBD)

October 8th: Family Science Night, Courtesy of Children's Science Center                              (via Zoom) *More information arriving soon!

FCPS Cares Program

Recognizing employees who go above and beyond

FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize those who go above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the outstanding work of FCPS, and more specifically, Flint Hill employees.


QR code

Falcon Feedback

To provide feedback directly to Ms. Hertzberg, please use the QR code, or click on this link. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your thinking!
