
Dear Clermont Families,

Happy New School Year!  We hope you had a wonderful start to the 2020-21 virtual school year this week. Our teachers have been preparing and adjusting for distance learning for weeks and are so happy to finally be working with your children. It was so wonderful to see the children during the first few days of school. I have missed their smiling faces! During the first few weeks of school, teachers will be focusing on establishing relationships with the children, building routines, and sharing classroom expectations/norms. Our students have amazed us with their listening and focusing skills this week!

As we begin our learning journey this school year, we know your children will be building stamina as the days and weeks progress. Our teachers are too.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions along the way. We are partners with you.

Please mark your calendar to attend Back to School Night, Tuesday, September 15, 2020. We will be holding two sessions from 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. &  6:50 - 7:15 p.m. Two live sessions with the same presentation are offered to accommodate your schedule. The sessions will be recorded and provided to you from your classroom teacher. Your child’s teacher will email you a link to join their Back to School Night presentation.

Each week you will receive a classroom newsletter from your child’s teacher on Friday afternoon. This newsletter should help you prepare for the following week. Please let your child’s teacher know if you are not receiving the newsletter.

On behalf of the entire Clermont staff we are grateful for your patience, positivity, flexibility, and support.  

Take care of yourself and each other,

Ms. Salata

Tips for Online Learning Success

Looking for tips for online learning success? Click this link.

Strings & Band

Parents of current 4th, 5th and 6th  grade students,

String and band classes are forming for this year.

Today, students heard about the string and band instrument choices. I hope that one of these instruments caught your child’s eye and ear!

Please click on the link below to register your students for strings or band this year. Please let us know if you have any questions. Ms. McMahan (strings)can be reached at alicia.mcmahan@fcps.edu and Mr. Dietz (band) can be reached at njdietz@fcps.edu .

The link to register students is Grades 4, 5 and 6- Join Strings and Band at Clermont!

Multiple Technology Resources Available to Support Learning at Home

As the school year begins with virtual learning, FCPS has developed resources that can help with basic technology issues. FCPS’ YouTube channel has videos on basic technology topics that highlight some of the key FCPS tools, such as Google and Blackboard. These videos are designed to provide solutions for quick, simple questions. 

Additionally, there are tip sheets available on the FCPS Parent Technology Resource page in multiple languages that provide answers to basic questions about FCPS technologies. These resources will continue to be updated throughout the year; we encourage you to check that page first.

If you can’t find answers in FCPS’ online resources, there are several places to seek help. Below is a guide to help you get information quickly:

  • For a child’s schedule or classes, school events, or programs, checking out an FCPS laptop, or updating your information, contact your child’s school directly.
  • Broader inquiries about FCPS programs or resources for families may be directed to the Parent Resource Center at 703-204-3941, or use one of our eight Parent Information Phone Lines for information in multiple languages. 
  • Technical support questions about your online parent accounts, your student’s FCPS laptop, or your student’s online applications, contact the Parent Technology Help Desk (toll free) at 833-921-3277 or enter a support request ticket via the Parent and Student IT Portal.

Free Breakfast and Lunch For All Students

Free breakfast and lunch are now available for pick up at Cameron Elementary School, Mount Eagle Elementary School, and Edison High School. Times are 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Additionally, families can receive meals at specific bus stops 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. For specific bus stop times and locations, please visit https://www.fcps.edu/return-school/food.

Upcoming Events

September 15: Virtual Back to School Night

September 18-20: Rosh Hashana 

October 12: Indigenous People's Day - No School

September 27-28: Yom Kippur

October 30: End of First Quarter - 2-hour Early Release  

November 2-3: Student Holidays - No School

November 3: Election Day

November 11: Veterans Day - 2-hour Early Release

November 14: Diwali

November 25-27: Thanksgiving Break - No School

December 10-18: Chanukah (begins sunset 12/10) - 12/18

December 21 - January 1, 2021: Winter Break - No School

December 25: Christmas

2020-21 Standard School Year Calendar. 

Clermont is Virtually Unstoppable.