Special Edition - Consent Needed for Digital Resources

Dear Families,

We are so excited to welcome your child and get this school year started!  As part of our Back to School routines, we request parent permissions for several different programs that we are going to be using.  This year, you can give your permission digitally!  We ask that you please visit https://isweb.fcps.edu/iscontacts/techpermform.cfm

You will need:

  • Your child’s student id number
  • Your parent email address OR phone number
  • Access to your parent email account

When you log in, a security code will be emailed to your parent email account.  Enter the security code.


Security code picture

security code snap shot

When you log in, you may change the language of the survey by clicking the arrow.

Change language

picture of where to find language change option

You will then need to say that you approve giving consent digitally.

give permission digitally

agree to provide permission digitally screen shot

You will be able to complete permission and opt out forms for all of your children in FCPS with this one log in. 


If you select Yes, I consent… then your child can use additional technology tools, such as FlipGrid and Padlet as part of the classroom instruction.  If you select No, I do not consent… then your child will not participate with those tools in class.

Yes or No image of permission screen shot

yes or no permission for digital consent screen shot

When you have responded for each of your children, you will log out.

log out screen shot

log out screen shot