Principal Updates - August 24

Be sure to follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (@OaktonHS), and Instagram @oaktonhs!  Visit our Oakton Accolades page to see our latest student accomplishments.  

Important Dates 

August 24-September 3: Freshmen Orientation Activities 

August 26 - Back to School Community Hyperdoc Available 

September 2: Student Schedules Available (SIS) 

September 3: Virtual Orientation (All Oakton Students) 

September 8: First Day of School 

Return to School Plans


The new school year is rapidly approaching with just two weeks to go!  To help streamline information all of the information and resources we are preparing can be found on the Oakton Student Portal (linked below). Each week we will update this site with pertinent information that will help everyone prepare for the upcoming school year.  Throughout the year, we will continuously update this site so student have all the information they need to stay up-to-date with all things Oakton! We will post all resources on Oakton's main website as well.  

Student/Family Resources:

Here are the resources we would like to highlight this week: 

Here are the resources we have previously highlighted:  

FCPS Resources: 

FCPS Plan for Return to School

Wednesday August 26 - Back to School Preparations 

On Wednesday you will receive the Oakton High School back-to-school virtual hyperdoc via email (eNotify).  This will house many pieces of key information to help you prepare for the school year.  This information is all currently geared towards our all virtual start.  When the operating status for FCPS shifts, we will update the information accordingly.  

This Wednesday, August 26 from 9:30am-12:30pm we will be offering a make-up curbside event for students of all grade levels to: 

  • pick-up school issued laptop (rising 9th graders and new students) 
    • Details regarding pick-up can be found here.  
  • purchase a new laptop charger (any grade level) 
  • speak with our technology team to address an outstanding issue with an FCPS issued laptop (any grade level) 
  • pick up a yearbook (rising 10th-12th grade) 
  • locker room item pick-up (rising 10th and 11th grade)
  • hallway locker item pick-up (rising 10th-12th grade) 
  • return any Oakton school-issued items from the 2019-2020 school year (rising 10th-12th grade: textbooks, calculators, supplies, uniforms, library books, etc.)   

*We will have multiple stations set-up at Door 1.  For your safety and ours, masks are required.  

New Student Orientation

Beginning today we have a variety of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (on-demand) resources for students to access.  All of the on-demand resources can be found on our orientation website.  This can also be found on the student portal.  Students must log-in using their accounts.  The link for tomorrow's 10:00am session " Oakton Activities and Leadership" can be found on the orientation website.  Similarly students will need to log-in with their accounts.  All of our new student offerings can be found here.  

Virtual Orientation for All Students

On Thursday, September 3, we will be offering a morning orientation for all Oakton students.  This will help students ensure that they have their class links and the resources they need for the first day of school.  Students will have the opportunity to log into each of their classes with their unique Blackboard Collaborate Ultra link.  Links will be emailed out to students no earlier than August 31.  


General Information  

Operating Hours

Our office is currently opened in limited capacity.  Currently, we are open for appointments only, however, we will have someone available to answer the main office phone line from 8am-3pm Monday-Friday.  

Student Services Update 

Oakton school counselors are working hard to welcome new and returning students to the 2020-2021 school year.  New to our team this year are Cameron MacDonald, School Counselor and Edmon McClam, College & Career Center Specialist.  Whether virtual or face-to-face, we are here to support you.  We’re looking forward to sharing our new space with you.  Go Cougars! #WEAREOAKTON

CounselorsStudent Services Contact

Renovation Update

Please visit our website for more information on the scope of the renovation and the renderings of what the building will look like when completed. 

Equity at the Center

Oakton High School is committed to keeping equity at the center of all of our work.  With our school year rapidly approaching, I would like to resend these previously shared resources. 

A Note From the PTSA 

Hello, Oakton Families and Friends!

Time for a new year and new adventures as we continue to explore this new norm!  The PTSA is here to help coordinate but it is only through the efforts of the entire community that we can make our student's years at Oakton the best they can be.

Join us for our first PTSA Meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 7p.m. ONLINE.  We will approve the PTSA budget, audit and learn about the upcoming events for this year!  Everyone is welcome and you don't have to be a PTSA member to join us.  Please RSVP so we can send you login details.

Have you joined the PTSA yet? Your membership (and donations) are vital to the success of the PTSA! Sign up and BE HEARD as you help support the students, teachers, and the Oakton High School community to achieve our goals this year!

Committee Chairs - We have openings for the Chairs at this time. Training is provided, please consider signing up with a friend to share the role. Students may also hold open positions.  If you are interested in signing up, please visit our website for more information.

We look forward to many exciting things this Fall and hope to see you at our September Meeting!


Oakton PTSA

Be a part of the decisions we make.

Help cultivate community. Be an Advocate. Let your voice be heard!

Parent Resources

Did you know that Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has Parent Information Phone Lines to support parents in our eight most common languages staffed by bi-lingual employees?

Parents, who would feel more comfortable communicating in their first language, can call the Parent Information Phone Lines Monday-Friday and access a live bi-lingual (sometimes multilingual) employees.

Our phone line staff is also available to FCPS staff who want to connect with parents in the parent’s first language.

Phone Line Staff can help with the following:

  • Basic needs resources (food, utilities, shelter)
  • Translating and interpreting of FCPS information and communications
  • Contact with school personnel
Phone Numbers

Mental Health Resources 

FCPS has compiled a list of mental health resources that you may find beneficial.  All of the resources can be accessed here at any time.  Mental health resources and emergency services information can be found here.  

FCPS Cares

Do you know an Oakton High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected?  If so, then click here to share with everyone. 

How to Modify or Unsubscribe to the Newsletter

To modify your membership to our messages (or to add yourself to the Oakton Athletics list!) you can manage your subscription to Oakton HS messages online.

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