LBSS Summer Updates - August 15, 2020


Important for Next Week


School-Issued Laptop pick-up and LBSS Material Collection

All students at Lake Braddock Secondary School will be provided an FCPS laptop.  Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th graders kept their laptops from last year and will use that same laptop for the 2020-21 school year. 

Students new to LBSS and rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders will pick up their laptop during the days and times designated below.  Sign-Up Genius is being used for families to pick their time slot on their designated day.  The link to sign up and the detailed directions were emailed out to families on August 13th..

  • August 19th: 9th graders and new HS students (8:00 am to 4:00 pm)
  • August 20th: 8th graders (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
  • August 21st: 7th graders (8:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Students are asked to drop off any LBSS materials from the 2019-20 school year at the same time.  Please drop off your pre-packaged bag of items in the bins located outside of Door 14.  Indicate which teacher/course we should return your books or items to in order to clear your obligation. 

Families that aren't able to come the week of August 17th will be provided a make-up opportunity on August 24th. 

2019-20 Textbook and other LBSS Material Collection for 10th, 11th & 12th graders

On August 17th and August 18th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students can return a textbook, uniforms, and other LBSS Material they have from the 2019-20 school year.  Each day staff will be at Door 14 from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.  Please drop off your pre-packaged bag of textbooks, uniforms, and other LBSS materials in the bins located outside of Door 14.  On the item, indicate which teacher/course we should return your books or items to in order to clear your obligation. 


2019-20 Yearbook Pick-Up

During our laptop distribution and material collection, students will also have an opportunity to pick up their 2019-20 yearbook, if they have not already. On the days designated below, families will drive to door 14 and there will be staff stationed along the front of the school to distribute yearbooks, along with the material collection and laptop distribution.  

  • August 17th: 10th, 11th & 12th Graders (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
  • August 18th: 10th, 11th & 12th Graders (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
  • August 19th: 9th Graders (During their laptop pick-up time slot) 
  • August 20th: 8th Grade (During their laptop pick-up time slot) 

Important Information for All

Parent Coffee

Virtual Parent Coffee Recording

Dr. Smith and Mrs. Kearns held a parent coffee last Thursday to update families on the Return to School this fall.  Please use this link to access that recording:  August 13th Virtual Parent Coffee

The Lake Braddock Shared Vision

As we get closer to the start of the new school year we are working hard to ensure we are able to support the success of all of our students. When we developed our new Shared Vision, we asked ourselves, “What is the story of learning we want to tell?” This led us to focusing on the skills our students would need to be successful once they leave Lake Braddock. Below is the guiding focus of our new Shared Vision of learning at Lake Braddock.

Short SV

2020 Lake Braddock Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

**4th Period is designated time for Social-Emotional Learning and Intervention.


FCPS 24-7 Blackboard Email Contact

On August 17th, all student email addresses in FCPS 24/7 Blackboard will be automatically changed to each student’s individual email address. Students, their parents, and staff will not be able to change those email addresses in FCPS 24-7 Blackboard. Since teachers may send student announcements through Blackboard, students should log into their email accounts frequently for these important messages teachers during the school year.

Class Schedule

Student Schedules 

Student schedules will be viewable through StudentVue and ParentVue on Wednesday, September 2nd. 

Supply Lists

As we get closer to the start of school, we are working to finalize a supply list for the 2020-21.  We will post them on our website and in this newsletter when we have them updated. 

HS Information

HS Transition Information

We are excited to welcome new students and rising 9th graders to Lake Braddock SS!  In the coming weeks we will have information for you to learn more about our school and what it means to be a Bruin! 

Welcome Back to our HS Counselors!

Our counselors are back for the 2020-21 school year!  We wanted to share with you the counselor assignments.  We also wanted to welcome our new counselor Sierra Alexander!

HS Counselor Assignments

MS Information

Welcome back MS Counselors

Our counselors are back in the MS Student Services office!  If you have questions, please contact them at 703-426-1030. 

7th grade Jump Start

We are happy to share that our Jump Start site is now up and running!  Since we cannot all be together this summer for our traditional Jump Start Program, we wanted to create a virtual opportunity for students to explore more about Lake Braddock and receive some helpful tips for a successful middle school experience.  To access the Jump Start site, CLICK HERE, or visit the main page of the Lake Braddock website and look for the Jump Start announcement.

Be sure to check back later this month as we will be offering virtual opportunities for students to connect!  As we learn more about the opening of school this year, we will continue to update our Jump Start site as needed.   

FCPS Resources

FCPS website for Mental Health Resources and information for emergency mental health services:

Mental Health resources

How to Stay In-Touch

Please stay in touch with us throughout the year by: