South County Student Loss

From The Principal


Last evening, I received the sad news that one of our rising seniors, Natalie Rodriguez, had died unexpectedly as the result of an injury.  Because of the current pandemic, the family has requested that I notify you. Natalie was a beloved member of our Family.  She loved South County and did her best to be involved in many activities to include Swim/Dive and serving as a manager for multiple sports. 

The death of a young person is difficult for all of us. Given the current health emergency, our typical methods of gaining support such as gathering with friends, are challenged. It is essential that your students share their feelings, and reach out to others, even if it is via phone or other electronic communication.

The loss of a friend is difficult for older teens. Attached is a Dougy Center handout to support grieving teens.

Additionally, the county’s Mental Wellness Consultation option is available, so you are welcome to use  this resource, available free of charge.

If there are additional ways that we can provide support to you or your students, please reach out to us.

Mental Wellness Consultation 2020 KIT

The FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will continue to offer Mental Wellness Consultations throughout the summer through August 7, 2020. Any FCPS parent may schedule a 45-minute consultation by phone or video conferencing with a school psychologist or school social worker to get the support needed to help your child. 


Consultations are offered in two ways:

  • Directly to parents of students in any grade level.This consultation provides an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social-emotional, behavioral, or academic functioning. Information about community resources will also be made available.
  • Directly to students in middle or high school.This consultation provides support and strategies to students who may be experiencing difficulties with anxiety, mood, behavior, or peer or family interactions; as well as academic challenges such as organization, time-management, or adjusting to a new school.


We encourage parents to take advantage of this service. Click here to request a consultation. You may also leave a message at 571-423-4276.


Mr. Morris
