The 2020 yearbook is here!!! Distribution Day is Thursday, July 23rd! See details below...
In this Issue
1. Message from Dr. Floyd 2. Yearbook Distribution this THURSDAY, July 23rd 3. Social Justice Book Club News 4. Parent Readers Needed 5. Student Services Information 6. Testing Information and Accommodations 7. First Day of School - Tuesday, September 8th 8. Mental Wellness Consultations 9. Video: Student Voice—Simple Advice from Jada 10. Healthy Minds Blog
1. Message from Dr. Floyd
Hello Woodson Community!
The last few weeks have been filled with difficult decisions as we work diligently to move forward in the process of creating a virtual and in–person campus for Woodson HS. We have approximately 900 students online and 1600 in person. This means about 64% of our students chose to be in person. We are excited to begin the work on our master schedule to creatively ensure our students are able to access as many of our classes as possible.
Enjoy your weekend, stay safe, stay healthy and stay connected Cavs! Dr. Floyd
 Congratulations to Ire Kim for winning 1st Place in the Congressional Art Competition!
2. Yearbook Distribution this Thursday, July 23rd
Come pick up your 2020 yearbook Thursday, July 23 10 AM to 4 PM at Woodson High School. Entrance 1, by the front office.
Only people wearing a mask will be allowed to approach the tables and pick up a book. Please keep your physical distance from others!
10-11 AM: seniors
11AM -12 PM: juniors
12-1: sophomores
1-2: freshmen
2-4: everyone!
Bring some form of photo ID and a mask!
You may designate a friend or neighbor to pick up your book for you. You should fill out this form https://forms.gle/xueDfU1PBJeXHF1d9
by Monday, July 20 at midnight! We cannot allow other parties to pick up your book if you don’t fill out the form. Everyone picking up a yearbook will have to show an ID.
If you have moved from the area, please contact Beth Koby, yearbook adviser, at ewkoby@fcps.edu to make arrangements.
There ARE a limited number of books still for sale, first-come, first-served. Books will be $90, cash or a check made out to W. T. Woodson High School. We will not be able to accept credit cards.
If you’re not sure if you ordered a book already, contact Beth Koby, yearbook adviser, at ewkoby@fcps.edu. I’ll be happy to look it up for you.
If you are not feeling well or if anyone in your household has COVID 19 or has been recently exposed, DON’T COME to the distribution. Email Beth Koby, yearbook adviser, at ewkoby@fcps.edu to make arrangements.
The 2021 yearbook needs your help!
Work on the 2021 yearbook has already begun. We want to cover how Woodson students are living their lives in quarantine (and phased reopenings). We need photos of YOU making the best of your spring and summer. Are you…
- Playing lots of video games?
- Sitting with friends around the fire pit (keeping social distance, of course)?
- Trying some new projects in the kitchen?
- Keeping fit?
- Zooming a lot with friends?
- Training your quarantine puppy?
Whatever you are doing, yearbook needs photos!
You can share your pictures with the yearbook staff via eShare. You can do this two easy ways.
- Go to www.HJeShare.com and enter the school code: wtwoodson
- Download the HJeShare app for iPhone or Android at the App Store or Google Play. Again, the school code: wtwoodson
Either place will give you instructions on uploading your images and letting the yearbook staff know who is in the pictures!
While we cannot guarantee that all shared photos will be published, if you don’t share, your great pictures can’t even be considered! Start sharing today!
Contact Beth Koby, yearbook adviser, if you have problems. ewkoby@fcps.edu
3. Social Justice Book Club News
Thank you to everyone who provided input on which book we will choose as a community and staff read. The book overwhelmingly chosen was, How to Be an Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi. The Social Justice Book Club will meet once a month beginning in September. I have provided two links for you to purchase a copy of your book.
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of How to Be an Antiracist will be speaking at a free online event on Monday, July 20th at 7:00. Here is a link to register via Eventbrite if you are interested.
If you have any questions regarding the Social Justice Book Club, please contact Dr. George Hewan, assistant principal at gkhewan@fcps.edu.
4. Parent Readers Needed
We continue to work to improve the diversity of the books for our English classes, but in order to do so, we need your help. In order to add new books to the curriculum, we need a group of parents to review the book content. We are hoping that some of you may have already read the books in the list below and would be able to provide input.
Beloved by Toni Morrison
American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang
Call Me American by Abdi Nor Iftin
Women of Copper Country by Mary Doria Russell
Counting Descent by Clint Smith
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston
The Gangster We Are All Looking For by Le Thi Diem Thuy
The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas
If you have read any of these books, please contact Dr. Paula Disalvo, assistant principal at pdisalvo@fcps.edu by Friday, July 24th or please complete this Google Form to give your feedback.
5. Student Services Information
Registration: Until our offices reopen, parents will need to complete the registration paperwork that is available online and reach out to the registrar, Christine Lieb-Mosley via email until offices reopen. Families will be contacted via email or phone for the next steps in the registration process.
Withdrawal: If you need to withdraw your student from Woodson for the 2020-21 school year, please contact Woodson Registrar, Christine Lieb-Mosley, who will schedule a time/date to return the school issued laptop, complete a withdrawal form and other learning materials.
Records Request: Until our offices reopen to the public, there are no office hours. However, if a family has a transcript or records requests, they should email the registrar throughout the summer.
6. Testing Information and Accommodations
Some students with documented disabilities are eligible for accommodations on College Board exams. Students cannot take the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PSAT/NMSQT, or AP Exams with accommodations unless their request for accommodations has been approved by Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). Please contact WT Woodson’s Assessment Coach, Kathleen Guinee (kpguinee@fcps.edu) for more information.
2020-2021 Test Dates
Accommodations Request and Documentation (Where Required) Must Be Received by:
SAT September 26, 2020*
August 3, 2020
SAT and SAT Subject Tests October 3, 2020*
August 10, 2020
PSAT/NMSQT® October 14, 17, 28, 2020
August 20, 2020
SAT and SAT Subject Tests November 7, 2020
September 14, 2020
 Another piece by Ire Kim, 1st Place winner of the Congressional Art Competition.
7. First Day of School - Tuesday, September 8th
At their July 9 business meeting, the Fairfax County School Board approved delaying the start of the 2020-21 school year to provide staff members additional time to plan instruction and schedules, provide professional staff development, and finalize transportation and other operational details.
The revised calendar delays the first instructional day for students by two weeks, from Tuesday, August 25, to Tuesday, September 8. Other employee work schedules will remain unchanged and the revised calendar provides adjustments for additional staff development and planning time between Tuesday, August 25, and Thursday, September 3.
View the revised 2020-21 school year calendar.
8. Mental Wellness Consultations
The FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services will continue to offer mental wellness consultations throughout the summer. If you have concerns about your child’s well-being or if your child would like to speak with a school psychologist or school social worker, please request a consultation. Our FCPS mental health providers are available to help families get needed support through a 45-minute phone consultation or through secure video conferencing. Appointments are open to all FCPS families.
Consultations are offered in two ways:
Directly to parents of students in any grade level. This consultation provides an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their child’s social-emotional, behavioral, or academic functioning. Information about community resources will also be made available.
Directly to students in middle or high school. This consultation provides support and strategies to students who may be experiencing difficulties with anxiety, mood, behavior, or peer or family interactions; as well as academic challenges such as organization, time-management, or adjusting to a new school.
We encourage parents to take advantage of this service. Click here to request a consultation. You may also leave us a message at 571-423-4276.
 9. Video: Student Voice—Simple Advice from Jada
Woodson rising Junior, Jada explains how the acronym ACCEPTS will help us remember ways to fight stress during social distancing. Watch the video.
10. Healthy Minds Blog
Healthy Minds is a blog for parents, educators, and community-based providers who are interested in supporting student mental health and wellness.
As a part of the Healthy Minds Fairfax initiative, the FCPS Office of Intervention and Prevention Services develops posts with timely information for all. Recent topics have included social and emotional learning, countering stigma and racism, and building resilience to handle challenging times. Healthy Minds includes tips and strategies for increasing wellness and resiliency, as well as fostering success at home, school, and in the community.
New content is posted weekly. Visit the Healthy Minds Blog.
Mental Health Resources | 24/7 Emergency Numbers
If you are in crisis, text NEEDHELP to 85511, call 1-800-273-TALK, or dial 911; TTY dial 711
CrisisLink Regional Hotline: 703-527-4077 (CrisisLink is a hotline for individuals in crisis or family/friends seeking guidance for how to help a loved one)
Dominion Hospital Assessment and Referral Line: 703-536-2000
Inova Emergency Services: 703-289-7560
Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-844-627-4747
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
Merrifield Center Emergency Services: 703-573-5679; TTY dial 711 (The Merrifield Center of the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, offers a range of clinical programming. Emergency Services, staffed 24 hours per day, seven days per week, works with people in psychiatric crisis who need immediate attention.)
Plan D Nova https://www.plandnova.org/ (a website for Northern Virginia teens who suffer from depression: #breakthestigma)