Gunston Gazette

Parent Information Phone Lines

FCPS language lines are available in eight different languages to assist parents who do not speak English as their first language. A school system employee will respond to your call in your preferred language within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. The caller will provide you with the requested information, arrange for you to speak with the appropriate school employee, or connect you with the resource that you are looking to find.

Parent Information Phone Lines listed in various languages.

Gunston Community Meeting Reminder

We acknowledge that you still have questions regarding the upcoming school year options and acknowledge that at the school level we do not have all the answers yet.  We are all working collectively to support you and your child’s learning, regardless of the option you choose whether it be Virtual or In Person. We hope you are able to join us to better inform your decision.

Date:  Monday, July 13, 2020

Time:  4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 

BBCU link to meeting: Link

We will record the session for anyone who cannot attend and post it on our website, as there is a 250 people capacity limit. In order to help me prepare for the meeting I have provided a link to a Google survey to submit questions you may have in advance.  The survey will be available thru Saturday.  Link to survey: Gunston’s Return to School Questions