Continuity of Learning Summer Program & Registration

Dear Parents/Guardians,

FCPS school buildings will remain closed through the end of July. Therefore, we will continue to provide recommended distance learning opportunities for students throughout the summer. Your students will have access to skill practice through the iReady digital lessons through the FCPS public Universal Screener website. Students will need to enter their FCPS login credentials to access these resources. These digital activities will be available until Friday, July 31st.

Additionally, students currently in grades K-6 will receive both a Mathematics and a Language Arts Essentials Summer Practice Book in the mail by the end of June. Digital versions of the books will also be posted on the Continuity of Learning Blackboard page. These books will provide recommended practice activities for students to review essential content from the 2019-2020 school year; they are not intended to preview content from next year’s grade level but rather reinforce essential learning from this past year.

As students access these activities from June 29 to July 31, they will have the opportunity to attend one virtual office hour each week with one of our own outstanding staff members. The schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten:  Mrs. Andriko                                        Wednesday 9:00-10:00 AM

Grade 1:          Mrs. Libuit                                           Wednesday 9:00-10:00 AM

Grade 2:          Mrs. Strandlund                                  Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM

Grade 3:          Mrs. Michaels                                     Tuesday 9:00 -10:00 AM

Grade 4:          Ms. Nordeman                                    Thursday 9:00-10:00 AM

Grade 5:          Mrs. Roman                                        Wednesday 10:00-11:00 AM

Grade 6:          Mrs. Margeson                                    Wednesday 11:00-12:00 PM

Special Education :   Mrs. Scannell                            Wednesday 12:00-1:00 PM


English Language Development: Mrs. Perotti           Grades K, 1, 2: Tuesday 10:00-11:00

                                                                                   Grades 3 & 4   Wednesday 10:00-11:00

                                                                                   Grades 5 & 6   Thursday 10:00-11:00




To register your child for office hours, please click the link below and complete the registration form by Wednesday, June 24th.

Once registered, parents in grades K-2 will receive their child’s BBCU link for their teacher’s virtual office hours. For students in grades 3-6 the BBCU link will be sent to the child’s FCPS Google email address.

On Friday, June 26th  information will be sent to registered families detailing the program and will include BBCU links, etc.

If you have any questions, please email me at


Thank you,

Sarah C. Aiello