Kilmer MS News You Choose and Lost and Found Items #38

lost and found

Come on out to retrieve any items that were lost and now found in the building! They are waiting for you.  

Kilmer materials

Did you find a Kilmer textbook in your house? A library book? A calculator? No worries; bins will be out in front of the Kilmer building for drop-offs throughout the summer. Thank you!

Kilmer Lost and Found, Happening Now! 

Items that have been lost during the course of the school year will be placed outside of Kilmer Middle School today from 9-3 for a curbside pick-up.  These items include student clothes or other belongings that may have been lost during the school year.  Items will be placed on tables outside the school building.  If you are retrieving an item or looking for an item we ask

  • You practice social distancing
  • Wear a mask
  • Wear gloves
  • Only touch items you believe belong to you 

Upcoming Dates


Tuesday, August 25 - First day of school 2020-2021. 

See full FCPS 2020-2021 calendar here