Update from Dr. Smith
Lake Braddock Families!
This week has been a difficult one as we started the final countdown and celebrated our Seniors. Today, subschool 3 Seniors were able to take their last official ride around campus and have a cheering committee celebrate them as they received their diploma, cap and gown. Subschool 4 seniors will participate tomorrow and subschools 5 and 6 will be early next week Information regarding the Senior celebrations and activities can be found in the two websites below.
Senior Week of Celebrations
LBSS Senior Class Webpage
For all students, there are some reminders:
School-issued laptops will not be returned to school for the summer, unless you are a Senior or you are not returning to Lake Braddock SS for the 2020-21 school year. Seniors will return their laptops during the day they come to get their Senior packets. All other students who are leaving Lake Braddock SS, please contact Lindsey Kearns (lmkearns@fcps.edu) to schedule a time to return your laptop.
Yearbooks will hopefully be delivered in early July. When we have more information about a delivery date and pick-up times, we will communicate with families through this News You Choose.
More importantly, this has been a very difficult week for our country, Fairfax County and our Lake Braddock Community. We have sent several messages to our students and families to show our support for minority students and reaffirm our commitment to provide a safe and welcoming space where racism is opposed at all times and in all forms. FCPS and Fairfax County has put together a resource for families that we wanted to provide to you all. Countering Stigma and Racism
As we close out this last week at school, please know that we are here for you and we love our Lake Braddock family. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to reach out.
United as Bruins,
Daniel W. Smith, Ed.D.
Important This Week
Senior Pickup
We started our Senior pick-ups today. Please use the links below for more information for logistics and how we are celebrating our Seniors next week.
Senior Week of Celebrations
LBSS Senior Class Webpage
7th-11th Grade Item Pickup
It was great to see so many families drive through LB the past two weeks for item pick up. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we worked through the process. If your child's items were not available at the time of pick up, we will have a Google form coming out in the next couple of weeks for you to submit.
PE Locker Items
We know that we have a number of PE locker bags that do not have a name attached. On Friday, June 12th from 9:00 am to noon, parents and students may come by to check the PE bags.
Information for All
Do your students miss connecting with their classmates and friends? Join us for our first ever distance learning lunch group, “Bruin Bites” from 11-12 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Blackboard Collaborate. Some of our students have created a way for students and staff to connect in a more relaxed environment including a few games, music, and even “lunch tables!” We would love to see you there!
HS Students - Sign up here
MS Students - Sign up here
Summer Learning
FCPS school buildings will remain closed through the end of July. Therefore, we will continue to provide optional, virtual learning opportunities for students from June 29 to July 31. Students currently in grades 9-11 will have access to a Google Site that provides practice on essential skills to review over the summer. The Google Site(s) will be located on the Free Summer Offerings page and will be live by June 24. The Mathematics site will focus on practice of essential mathematics content. The Language Arts site will provide practice on grammar and mechanics and offer choice reading opportunities. Students currently in grades 7-8 will receive both a Mathematics and Language Arts Essentials Summer Practice Book in the mail by the end of June; digital versions of the books will also be posted on the Continuity of Learning Blackboard page. These books will provide practice activities that review essential content from the 2019-2020 school year. Students will receive a mathematics book based on the level of mathematics they took during the 2019-20 school year. The language arts book will focus on essential skills in reading, writing, grammar, mechanics and vocabulary.
A supplemental English Language Development Summer Practice Book will be mailed to students enrolled in High School ESOL Newcomer Programming (ELP Level 1 & 2) in Grades 9 – 11, as well as middle school English learners who are ELP levels 1 & 2. These books will provide English Language Development practice activities to support and enrich language development during the summer. Language Arts workbook that all students receive will contain an ELD section with language development activities designed for students at ELP level 3 & 4. In addition, High school English Learners enrolled in Individual Math and Algebra 1 Part 1 in the spring of 2020 will mailed an Algebra preparation focused math packet.
Students with disabilities accessing the Adapted Curriculum will receive four packets mailed to families in July to support their learning.
To support student learning from June 29 to July 31, teachers will hold one hour per week of “office hours” for Continuity of Learning. Office hours for Mathematics, Language Arts, and English Language Development will be with one of our own outstanding staff members and are intended to support students with the digital practice resources and the English Language Development Summer Practice Book. To register your student for office hours and receive a secure link, please complete school insert a link using questions from HERE. Once registered, your child will receive log-in information through his or her FCPS Google email address prior to the first session.
There are additional opportunities students have to earn course credit and receive a grade this summer. Registration for any summer program has to be approved by the student’s high school counselor by June 15 as counselors do not work over the summer. Student Services contact information can be found here: https://lakebraddockss.fcps.edu/high-school/student-services/staff
- Virtual Credit Recovery with Lake Braddock teachers. We will be offering the following courses: Health/PE 9 & 10, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Algebra Functions Data Analysis (AFDA), English 9-12, Biology, Chemistry, Geosystems, World History I & II, US/VA History & Government. Registration has begun and will continue until Monday June 15th . To register your student for office hours and receive a secure link, please complete school insert a link using questions from HERE. Over three weeks from July 6th through July 24th, students will take part in synchronous learning as well as complete daily online learning modules (asynchronous). Students are eligible to enroll in Virtual Credit Recovery for one course only. There is NO COST to take credit recovery course.
- FCPS Online: Students who meet the course prerequisites can take one online course. Students who have completed a high school math course may take an online campus math class. Middle School students who expunged a high school math course or wanting to recover a course credit may take the course again. Please note there is a COST to participate in these courses. https://www.fcps.edu/academics/summer-learning
- Virtual Virginia is offering 52 online courses, including core, world language an elective courses. Enrollment for summer sessions continues until June 17th. Classes begin June 17th and run through July 28th. Please note there is a COST to participate in these courses. https://www.virtualvirginia.org/programs/summer/
- Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPS) Virtual Program offers a wide variety of programs/classes through private schools as a means for students to seek course credit. Additionally VCPS believes it is desirable to seek accreditation of strengthening their programs and facilities to assure the public that the established mission, vision and philosophy of the school is being fulfilled. Please note there is a COST to participate in these courses. Courses having varying start and end dates depending on which program you choose. https://www.vcpe.org/VIRTUAL-SCHOOLS
All information regarding these various programs can be found on our Lake Braddock website. https://lakebraddockss.fcps.edu/announcements/summer-learning-opportunities
Online Research Workshop by STEM4Tomorrow
STEM4Tomorrow is holding a free online research workshop for students who are interested in conducting scientific research. The speakers are high school students who have actively conducted scientific research and won awards in various research events. They will share their research projects, experiences, and tips. A panel discussion will be held with questions about the research process and their programs. A Zoom link will be sent before the workshop to those who sign up.
Event Date and Time: Sunday, June 14, 2020; 2-4 pm
Sign up and submit your questions at: https://forms.gle/Ka5MyJW8gKJa8uV66.
STEM4Tomorrow is a student-led volunteering organization dedicated to promoting STEM learning and research. For students who are ready to conduct research or have already started their own research projects, STEM4Tomorrow provides free research-prep courses and research mentorships in various fields. For more information about their programs, please visit https://stem4tomorrow.org/programs/.
School Counselors Available
Any FCPS parent may schedule a 30-minute phone consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker, for either themselves or their middle or high school student.
Consultations provide an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their child’s emotional well-being during their time away from school. Student consultations will provide support and strategies to students who may be experiencing difficulties with anxiety, mood, behavior, or peer or family interactions during this unprecedented and challenging time.
Note: Parent consultations are available for all grade levels. Student consultations are only available for middle and high school students. Schedule a phone consultation online.
Lake Braddock Counselors are available to support you as well so please email them if you need support.
PTSA Updates
All PTSA information can be found on the PTSA web site: https://lbssptsa.org/
MS Information
Middle School Academic and Career Plan
This year, your child is continuing to develop an Academic and Career Plan (ACP) that supports his or her current work as well as helping your child plan for the future. During this period of distance learning, we encourage you to use Naviance Student with your child to explore college and career options.
Your child will work with his or her teachers and school counselor to discover his or her personal strengths and interests, create goals to help achieve success, plan for courses that meet high school graduation requirements, and prepare for life after high school. The development of the ACP starts in middle school and is updated regularly throughout high school as each student’s academic, personal, and career goals evolve.
This plan connects to the Fairfax County Public Schools strategic plan, supports Portrait of a Graduate attributes, and is also required by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). VDOE requires that the student’s parent or guardian review this plan. When reviewing the plan with your child, you can coach him or her to make decisions about college and careers that match his or her personal strengths, interests, and goals, recognizing there are multiple pathways to success.
Please have your child log into his or her ACP in Family Connection and, with your child, review the following information:
- results of the strengths and career surveys
- goals
- Resume Builder
- draft course plans for high school
If you have a Blackboard Parent View account, you can log into your account and together you and your child can view his or her plan. Once in your child’s account, click the “about me” tab and scroll down to “portfolio.” Once you click on the portfolio, you can view all of the work that has been completed by your child.
Once you have reviewed your child’s plan, use this link: https://forms.gle/oMhktB9QugD2ui289 or this Google form to complete the verification. The completion of this form will serve as your signature. This must be completed by Friday, July 10, 2020.
For more information about your child’s ACP, visit https://www.fcps.edu/academics/graduation-requirements-and-course-planning/ or the ACP website.
If you have questions, please contact your student’s counselor.
Middle School Awards
Due to school closure, there will be no in-person Awards Ceremony this year. Teachers will recognize their “students of the year” and those teacher awards will be sent electronically via email. Each team will determine the time and format (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, previously recorded video, voice-over PowerPoint presentation, etc.) for their team’s end of year recognition event, including the presentation of the team’s “Most Valuable Bruin” recipients and Principal’s Service Awards winners (8th grade only). Eighth grade teams are currently finalizing their lists of those students who have met the Principal’s Service Award Criteria. The criteria are: at least 40 hours of community service for the year, a minimum of a B average in Civics for quarters 1, 2, and 3, no honor code violations, and no disciplinary infractions. Eighth grade students who met each of these criteria will also be recognized with a certificate electronically.
Physical & Immunization Requirements
Physicals are not required for school entry in grade 7 and above. A TDAP booster is required for all rising 7th grade students. Updated immunization records can be emailed to Angela Santizo at assantizo@fcps.edu or faxed to 703-426-1193.
HS Information
Class of 2020 Updates
Check out the updated Senior Class Websites, where you will find everything you need to know and more!
Senior Week of Celebrations
LBSS Senior Class Webpage
Alcohol in the time of COVID-19
With all the attention being paid to opioids and opiates, it may be easy to forget that alcohol is the most commonly abused drug in the United States. Teenagers especially, are most likely to abuse alcohol because it is fairly easy to obtain and is more socially normalized. While many of us are either quarantined or spending more time at home due to social distancing restrictions amid COVID-19 concerns, alcohol sales have nearly doubled.
Teenagers being the resourceful and savvy beings that they are, are finding ways to obtain alcohol even in quarantine. Some recent trends include alcohol delivery via Drizly and other services and apps like GrubHub where they may not enforce policies around checking identification. Some states have loosened restrictions around carryout/takeout alcohol and are allowing restaurants to sell pre-made cocktails for carryout. It is especially important as parents to monitor receipts, credit card statements, apps, and orders placed.
Another issue to be mindful of is how easily fake IDs are obtained. Many fake IDs look real and are easily bought from the internet. There are a number of websites dedicated to providing anyone with a fake ID. However, we won’t list them here because we do not want to encourage students to access these sites, which are likely to cause computer viruses. So, check your and your student’s internet histories regularly on all personal devices.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with me, Ken Johnson, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist for the Lake Braddock Pyramid at Kwjohnson@fcps.edu .
Information from the Career Center
Click here to view past newsletters from the Career Center.
FCPS Resources
FCPS website for Mental Health Resources and information for emergency mental health services:
Calendar at a Glance
June 5-9: Class of 2020 Drive Through Celebrations
June 12: Last day of classes for 7th - 11th grade students
How to Stay In-Touch
Please stay in touch with us throughout the year by: