

Dear Beech Tree Families,

This week, we will begin the packing up of student belongings left behind in the classroom prior to our closure, such as school supplies, as well as packing up classrooms for summer cleaning. The packing up of classrooms has been assigned following safety and distance protocols throughout the building and student belongings will be available for pick up based on this schedule. Medications left in the school clinic have already been verified, counted and labeled in bags. These small bags will be placed inside of students’ larger bags containing classroom belongings. Instruments left behind in 4th and 5th grade classes have been collected and the Band and Strings teachers will be returning them to the FCPS warehouse in June.

As a reminder, Monday, May 25th is Memorial Day, so synchronous instruction will not take place. On Tuesday, May 26th student belongings from Preschool, 1st grade and 4th grade will be available for pick up from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Kiss & Ride Loop. For our safety, please remain in the car and hold up a sign to the window that has the following information: Grade, Teacher, Student. The bags will be labeled the same way and organized in the cafeteria. We will bring your students’ bags out to your car. If your 4th grader will not be continuing with Strings for the 2020-2021 school year, please go through the Bus Loop and place the instrument, in its case, on the flatbed in front of the school lobby. We will also have boxes out front, by the main entrance, for you to drop off library books, should you wish to return them prior to summer break.

On Monday, June 1st student belongings from Kindergarten, 2nd, and 3rd grade, will be available for pick up from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Kiss & Ride Loop. We will follow the same procedures as stated above.

On Tuesday, June 9th student belongings from our Enhanced Autism classes and 5th grade, will be available for pick up from 9:30am-12:30pm. We will follow the same procedures as stated above, however, ALL 5th graders’ instruments and library books will need to be returned through the Bus Loop at the entrance to the school lobby.

Last week, Superintendent Scott Brabrand shared that Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) will provide the following learning opportunities this summer: 


Special Education Services – Virtual Extended School Year

FCPS will provide Extended School Year (ESY) to students, grades PreK thru 12, whose IEP team determines that the student qualifies for ESY due to significant regression and lack of recovery of skills that were gained during the regular school year prior to the shutdown. 

This summer, ESY services will be provided virtually to students June 29-July 24. The learning will  be provided through the continued Distance Learning model. The learning materials will be available online and in printed packets mailed to students.


Elementary School Students

Elementary school students will have the opportunity to focus on math and literacy skill-building using self-directed print and digital materials. Each school will have teachers who will support students in their summer learning experiences from June 29 - July 31. Students will have the opportunity to connect with these teachers virtually during office hours for support. These programs are free to students and more information about continuity of learning resources will be provided before the end of the school year. 


Unfortunately, the following programs will not take place this year due to building closures:

  • Institute for the Arts
  • Elementary Institute for the Arts
  • CTE Career Academy
  • CTE Summer Academy
  • Bridge to PAC (SPED)
  • Pathways to Preschool (SPED)
  • Bridge to Kindergarten
  • Young Scholars
  • Curious Minds

*Parents who registered a student for one of the above programs will receive additional information about refunds.


FCPS is continuing to develop additional optional programs that could be run in a virtual format. Parents and guardians will receive more detailed information about summer programming from their schools.


School Year 2020-2021

Discussions began last week with the School Board about our Return to School plans for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. 

We are awaiting guidance from the state about the possible required conditions that will need to be met for schools to reopen.  We also plan to seek the input of all of our stakeholder groups – parents, students, teachers, staff, and administrators – in developing our return to school plan. 

The considerations for return to school include the need to:

  • Ensure safe learning and working environments for students and staff
  • Provide options for students and staff that are unable to return to school/work
  • Comply with any social distancing requirements
  • Provide student access to technology devices and internet services at home
  • Provide staff with adequate time and training to prepare for the new school year
  • Make decisions as soon as possible for scheduling and communication with families

We are preparing for a variety of possible scenarios including:

  • Students will have a virtual start to the school year.
  • Students will return to school with social distancing in place.
  • School will open on time, but some students and/or staff may be unable to return and will participate through virtual learning.
  • The preliminary report presented to the School board is available here.

I wish you all a safe, happy and productive week ahead. As always, I thank you for your trust. Please let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns.


Karim Daugherty


Beech Tree ES


“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell


“Kindergarten Registration!”

Please let your neighbors know that Kindergarten Registration has continued, thanks to our incredible Mrs. Do! If they have a child who will be five on or before September 30, 2020, please have them contact Mrs. Susan Do, Beech Tree Registrar, at to make arrangements for specific enrollment information.


“Send a Note to Local Nursing Homes!”

This time of distancing has been very difficult for our senior who are not able to have visitors during these closures. Please encourage our children to write notes and send drawings to some of our local nursing homes:


The Kensington

700 West Broad Street

Falls Church, VA 22046


Powhatan Nursing Home

2100 Powhatan Street

Falls Church, VA 22043


Chesterbrook Residences

2030 Westmoreland St

Falls Church, VA 22043


Sunrise of Falls Church

330 North Washington St

Falls Church, VA 22046


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates:

Please continue to check updates through our Fairfax County Public School website.  We hope that you and your family are staying safe, happy and healthy during these ever changing times. 

To find the last updates from Fairfax county please go to

You can also find updates from The Center of Disease Control and Prevention at