PTO News-May 7, 2020


May 7, 2020

The following message is sent on behalf of Cooper Middle School PTO.  The content reflects the views of the PTO.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation

Today, we had the chance to show our teachers, staff, and admin team just how grateful we are to them. Teachers drove through the curbside pickup and were treated to a care package complete with toilet paper and snacks, a beach towel, and a book.  

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Our terrific student-led pep rally greeted teachers as they entered and exited the school. Thank you so much to the students who came to wave signs and cheer.

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And, thanks to our amazing parent generosity, we were also able to give each teacher and staff member a gift card from the PTO. Extra kudos go to Ann Malekzadeh for collecting the cards and packaging them up in these lovely gift bags and tags.

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And there’s more!

It’s not too late to pin something nice to the teacher appreciation padlet!


We’ve had some really fun notes already posted on this virtual bulletin board and would love to see more. You don’t need an account to submit—just click on the link below, upload your message, and you’re done. You can send photos, messages, memes, etc.

Some ideas for people who would love to hear your positive messages: Specialists, Library Staff, Custodians, Front Office Staff, Academic Subject Matter Teachers (or all teachers in general), Electives Teachers, World Languages Teachers, Special Education Team, and the  Administrative Team. You can send more than one—so feel free to upload as many as you like to thank all the hardworking folks at Cooper who have kept us on course even in the face of difficult and unexpected challenges.

Here’s the padlet link:

Announcing the Proposed Slate of Officers for Cooper PTO 2020-2021

As the year winds down, it’s time to look ahead … we may not have all the answers about what will happen this Summer or next Fall, but we do know this: it’s time to elect a PTO Executive Board for next year. Here are the officers on the ballot:

President: Stefanie Stayin

1st VP Membership: Melissa Schwartz

2nd VP Fundraising: Margaret Brown

Treasurer: Cristina Tallent

Recording Secretary: Chelsea Lake

Corresponding Secretary: Brenda Beeland

Parliamentarian: Seema Lohia Singh

We are thrilled by the talent and commitment of this team; they are amazing leaders and we are so grateful for their willingness to serve our community.

We will get a chance to vote them in officially at our next (virtual) general membership meeting on May 28, 2020.

Virtual General Membership Meeting

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Our next general membership meeting will of course be virtual, and we will hold it on the same platform your children are using: BlackBoard Collaborate Ultra.

As we did with the virtual principal coffee many of you attended last month, we will provide a Google form for you to RSVP and to let us know what questions you would like to address. We will email a meeting link to all those who RSVP.

We plan to pack a lot into this meeting: elect our new officers, close up this year’s PTO business, and then hear updates from Lisa Barrow about distance learning, renovation, and what happens next, as well as discuss any other questions and issues you all have.

We are inviting rising 7th grade parents to this meeting as well, so please feel free to encourage friends with students attending Cooper next year to attend.

8th Grade Party 

Thank you so much to those who emailed suggestions for where to go with this celebration.  Our 8th grade party chairs Diane Kunst and Mary Chlopecki are working to create a meaningful experience for our 8th graders. Stay tuned to this space for more information as plans develop.


Where to Find Distance Learning Information:

If you weren’t able to join the Principal’s Virtual Coffees on Thursday, you can view the slideshow here:


We have also compiled a Distance Learning FAQ which you can view here:

More places to get information:

With masks

Social/Emotional Wellness

Especially during high stress and uncertainty, it’s important to know where to turn if you need support for yourself, your children, or all of you. We have two important resources to share:

FCPS support::   You can also follow them on Twitter at @FCPSPsychs

Safe Community Coalition: (You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter: both @mcleanscc)