School updates April 15th

Coffee Talk

with Mrs. Devers

Please join us for our weekly Parent Coffee Talk the next one is Monday, April 20th from 10:30-11:30 AM.  This link will allow you to join the conversation on Monday.


k orientation


yearbook update


Fairfax County: Reston

Produce: Wednesday 4pm-6pm

Meals: Monday-Thursday 10-2pm

Access to Internet at Home!

Internet Essentials from Comcast is offering 2 FREE months of internet service to families. Please click on the link below to learn more!


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates!

Please continue to check updates through our Fairfax County Public School website.  We hope that you and your family are staying safe, happy and healthy during these ever changing times. 

To find the last updates from Fairfax county please go to

You can also find updates from The Center of Disease Control and Prevention at


Join Twitter

Families the best way to get the most up to date information is through  Twitter. Please join us and follow us at @ DOGWOODFairfax You can even follow your teachers and post pictures of your children learning and growing!

Stay Connected:

Did you know Dogwood ES has a Facebook Page and a Twitter handle?  The Dogwood PTO also has a Facebook page.  Click on the hyperlinks, follow us and stay connected.

Quick Links: