Chantilly Academy Distance Learning Plan


A Message from Chantilly Academy

Good afternoon. Chantilly Academy staff have been hard at work preparing to provide distance learning opportunities to our students for the rest of the school year. I know I speak for all of our teachers and staff when I say that we are very excited to welcome you back to school on April 14, 2020.  We have missed you, and we look forward to reconnecting.  Please carefully read this News You Choose as there is a lot of information that you will need in the coming weeks. 

The FCPS Distance Learning Plan

The plan, linked here: is designed to provide students with a virtual learning program that promotes continuity of learning. We recognize that it will never replace regular in-school instruction and normal student-teacher interactions, but we believe it will help connect students to course content, their teachers, and fellow students. (Virtual) school will commence on Tuesday, April 14th. Instruction will be both asynchronous (without a teacher) and synchronous (with a teacher in an online platform). Synchronous instruction will happen through Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Each teacher has a link to their own virtual classroom that they will provide to students. 

Student Schedule

  • Monday - Individual Work Day
  • Tuesday - Virtual Classes 
    • 1st 9:15-10am
    • 3rd 10:30-11:15
    • 5th 12:15-1pm
    • 7th 1:30-2:15pm
  • Wednesday - Individual Work Day and Teacher Office Hours
  • Thursday - Virtual Classes
    • 2nd 9:15-10
    • 4th 10:30-11:15
    • 6th 12:15-1pm
  • Friday - Individual Work Day and Teacher Office Hours

Classes that are two credits or more may use the additional class time for synchronous or asynchronous instruction. Each teacher will share their plan for distance learning during the first class session on April 14 or 15.

How can Parents Help

As we embark on Distant Learning, we recognize it can present different opportunities and challenges for families and students. While our number one goal is to continue high-quality instruction, we recognize the challenges and obstacles our students and families may face in the upcoming weeks will be exciting yet apprehensive. To prepare for this new approach to learning, it is important that we help our students adjust to the new normal and begin to develop good learning habits. Here are few tips to help students find success in this new environment:

  1. Take a deep breath
  2. Be there for your child as a parent
  3. Continue to maintain family norms and be supportive
  4. Know that you are doing the best you can
  5. Celebrate your accomplishments and progress!

Student Services

The Chantilly Academy Counselors and Career Experience Specialist will be available Monday-Friday to support students. In addition, please visit the Chantilly Academy website for updated resources to assist students in their college and career readiness goals.

Chantilly Academy Counselors

Mr. McCoart, and Mrs. Porcella,

Career Experience Specialist

Mrs. Wannett,

Industry Certifications

Unfortunately at this time, all industry credential testing has been cancelled on-site and off-site as official off-site testing centers are all currently closed. As we receive more information from vendors about their specific tests, we will explore any alternative options in hopes to provide opportunities for our students as soon as possible.

Class of 2020

We will miss all of you! We love seeing your faces as you enter door 5, the new friendships you developed across base school boundaries, the skills you've learned during your time in the Academy and most importantly the opportunity to get to know each one of you and grow together. We are sorry that our face-to-face time was cut short but please know our teachers are excited to see you in their virtual classes throughout the remainder of the school year. They are excited to teach you new skills and opportunities that will support your growth beyond the school year.

Please take care of yourselves and each other. Stay healthy and be safe!

Scott Settar

Chantilly Academy Principal