Friends and Neighbors,
Let’s face it, we are experiencing difficult times and yesterday’s call from Governor Northam to close schools until the end of the academic year resulted in emotional reactions from students, parents and teachers throughout the state. Understandably, parents, teachers and especially our students are saddened by the loss of expected end of year milestones and celebrations. Coupled with ongoing health and safety concerns, the burden certainly feels very heavy at this time. Please know that we are in this together and must rely on each other for support as we navigate this crisis. FCPS staff and School Board are working diligently behind the scenes to establish procedures for distance learning, continue food distribution, and address personnel and compensation issues. During this unprecedented time for our community, I urge you to remain informed by accessing the FCPS and County websites for updated information.
Continuity of Learning
The School Board met in an emergency session following the announcement to work with the Superintendent to determine next steps as we face this unprecedented challenge.
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will be providing school divisions additional guidance in the next few days regarding continuity of learning that has an equity focus.
In addition, VDOE will issue guidance about what graduation requirements will look like for our 12th grade students and expectations for grading and academic year completion for all of our students.
Our plan is to begin distance learning either online, or by learning packets at that time. Over the next two weeks, we will begin distance learning training for teachers and give teachers the opportunity to plan and prepare for distance instruction and reconnect with their students.
We will also be working with individual schools to distribute laptops and MiFi devices by appointment to students who do not have access at home. We will also provide for an essential/critical items pickup at individual schools. More details will follow.
In the meantime, please continue to take advantage of the continuity of learning resources:
- When anyone logs on to FCPS 24-7 they will see a Continuity of Learning module that has links to resources for elementary students as well as resources for middle and high school students.
- Continuity of learning resources are also available at this link along with information about accessing our instructional videos.
Office Hours to be Rescheduled
My previously scheduled March Office Hours (March 25) will be rescheduled. I will send a notification when I have a confirmation.
Food Resources
FCPS is providing grab and go meals at several schools and community centers, including pop-up locations, curbside pickup locations, and several bus routes throughout the county. The FCPS sites, locations and bus routes are available Monday-Friday only.
For a complete list of distribution sites and times please click here.
Effective Tuesday, March 24, FCPS is changing the time for grab and go meal service at 34 school locations. The grab and go meals will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. beginning March 24. Breakfast and lunch will be available at the same time.
Fairfax County and FCPS have worked together to develop a searchable map that includes community food distribution sites, including FCPS grab and go locations, community meal distribution sites, food pantries, and other related services.
Please click here to view the map.
Childcare Resources
The Fairfax County Office for Children maintains an up-to-date online childcare search that lists all childcare centers and family childcare homes that are licensed or regulated in the county.
If you need support for finding childcare in your neighborhood, please visit Childcare Assistance and Referral for additional information. Childcare financial assistance may be available for families who meet eligibility criteria.
In addition to maintaining regular daily health practices and protocols, Fairfax County has encouraged childcare centers and family childcare homes to take additional precautions, which can be reviewed here.
Mental Health and Community Resources
To take care of your child(ren) during the COVID-19 outbreak:
Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource available in Korean, Chinese, Amharic, and Spanish
To take care of yourself during COVID-19 outbreak:
Manage Anxiety & Stress
To access DFS services remotely:
Fairfax County Department of Family Services
When schools are in session, each school has a school counselor, psychologist, and social worker available to provide consultation, mental health services, and/or referrals to community services. While schools are closed, please use the resources below to secure mental health service for you or your child(ren).
Mason District Community Announcements
Effective immediately, Fairfax County Park Authority, Library and Neighborhood and Community Services community facilities will be closed until further notice.The impacted facilities include recreation (RECenters), nature, community, resource and teen centers, as well as golf courses, historic sites and (permitted use of) athletic fields and picnic shelters. Some of these facilities will continue to be used as meal distribution centers to serve the community as needed.
Playgrounds closed – The Fairfax County Park Authority has closed playgrounds, skate parks, and restrooms.
The Justice High School PTSA has canceled its mulch sale. People who already ordered mulch can request a refund or convert their mulch order to a donation to support student activities.
Signature Theatre has canceled all events through the beginning of June. Some performances will be postponed.
Metro cutbacks – Metro has announced further cutbacks and encourages the public to avoid getting on a bus or a train unless it’s absolutely necessary. Beginning March 24, all Metrobus customers will enter and exit the bus using the rear doors only, except customers who require use of a wheelchair ramp, which remains available at the front door. Metro is temporarily suspending fare collection on Metrobus, because all farebox and SmarTrip equipment is located at the front door.
AP & IB Updates
The College Board and International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) continue to provide 2020 AP-IB program testing updates and guidance directly to students and parents through global press releases. In light of that communication, FCPS is providing additional guidance to ensure our students and parents understand how the district is responding to these changes and, specifically, how we plan to provide support to students moving forward. Reference the most recent updates by program below along with the FCPS response to best support and meet the needs of our students. ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) PROGRAM - AP Updates from the College Board, March 20. • Traditional face-to-face exam administrations will not take place. Students will take a 45-minute online free-response exam at home. • Some students may want to take the exam sooner rather than later, while the content is still fresh. Other students may want more time to practice. For each AP subject, there will be two different testing dates.
College Board timeline for next steps:
- March 23 – an update will be sent to students directly from the College Board.
- March 25 – students will have access to College Board’s free, live AP review lessons, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. These optional, mobile-friendly classes are designed to be used alongside work that may be given by schools. Students can find the classes online.
- April 3 – the full exam schedule including the specific free-response question types that will comprise each AP exam will be published by the College Board.
AP students are encouraged to access lessons, tools and review resources provided via FCPS 24-7 as well as those provided by the AP program. We request that students and parents take no immediate action specific to test registration and administration and please wait to receive 2020 AP exam administration instructions directly from FCPS. Since school-based test coordinators register and order all AP exams and FCPS pays for the first six exams, it is imperative that AP exam administration continue to be directed by the school division. Once testing details have been determined, FCPS will communicate procedures directly to students and parents to ensure that every student is fully supported and successful throughout the 2020 AP online test at home exam administration. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) PROGRAM - IB Updates from the International Baccalaureate Organization, March 23. • The May 2020 IB examinations for Diploma Programme and Career-related Programme students will no longer be held. • Depending on what they registered for, the student will be awarded a Diploma or a Course Certificate which reflects their standard of work. FCPS staff are developing a districtwide communication for immediate release to ensure IB families/students understand that IB exam scores will be awarded based on coursework, including internal and external assessments, but will be calculated without May exams. IBO will provide full details and answers to frequently asked questions to all stakeholders no later than Friday, March 27. As we receive that information, we will work with schools to ensure students have the opportunity to complete and submit all required coursework to earn IB exam scores. Principals and coordinators will work directly with their teachers and students to identify the required coursework for submission and deadlines for submission of these components to comply with IBO’s extended deadlines.
Self-Directed Online Economics and Personal Finance (EPF)
Due to school closures and numerous parent requests, FCPS is opening the summer session of the self-directed EPF course early. Only one session will be offered, which will run from March 30 – July 31, 2020. Students have until July 31, 2020 to complete the course. Students who have already registered (for either summer session) prior to 3/27/20 will receive their login information by March 27, 2020 at their email account. Students who register after 3/27/20 will receive their login information within a week of registering. If you previously registered for Summer Session 1 your registration has been accepted. The Self-Directed Economics and Personal Finance course requires students to complete work without direct teacher instruction. Register here until June 12, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
How are third quarter grades going to be handled?
We are working with our principals to develop a plan for grading and will communicate that information to you as soon as we can. The third quarter grading book is not closed.
Will SOL tests be required this year?
SOL tests are expected to be canceled this year. The Virginia Department of Education is preparing an application for the testing waiver from the U.S. Dept. of Education.
Are teachers prohibited from contacting students or providing additional learning activities during the closure?
No. Teachers are not prohibited from engaging in open communication with students or providing additional learning activities during the closure. Many teachers and administrators have been communicating with their students this week either by video or other means. As previously stated, learning activities during the closure are not required and will not be graded. Teachers may provide optional, ungraded activities to students with the caveat that they cannot be designed to teach new content. Teachers will not offer “extra credit” for completion of optional learning activities.
Teachers may be in contact with students to foster relationships, nurture a caring culture, and provide reassurance and encouragement during a stressful and unprecedented global experience.
What happens to student learning now that schools are closed for the rest of the year?
With schools now closed for the remainder of the academic year, division leaders will be making decisions about how learning will continue and when/how students will make up the rest of the content from this year. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will issue guidance to help divisions execute plans to continue instruction.
Are the schools being cleaned now?
We are continuing to work to make sure that our custodians are in the buildings on a regular basis cleaning our schools. We did additional cleaning at Lynbrook Elementary immediately after the announcement that a Lynbrook teacher has tested positive for the virus.
Resources for Updated Information
Please visit the following websites for regularly updated information:
Fairfax County Public Schools
Fairfax County Department of Health
Virginia Governor Ralph S. Northam
Centers for Disease Control And Prevention
COVID-19 Facts
How does COVID-19 spread?
The virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected from touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth). The COVID-19 virus may survive on surfaces for several hours, but simple disinfectants can kill it.
How can the spread of COVID-19 be slowed down or prevented? As with other respiratory infections like the flu or the common cold, public health measures are critical to slow the spread of illnesses. Public health measures are everyday preventive actions that include:
✓ staying home when sick;
✓ covering mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of used tissue immediately;
✓ washing hands often with soap and water; and
✓ cleaning frequently touched surfaces and objects.
As we learn more about COVID-19 public health officials may recommend additional actions.
What is Social Distancing?
The CDC defines social distancing as it applies to COVID-19 as “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet) from others when possible.”
Note: This guidance is for people who are generally healthy. If you are at higher risk or have symptoms of illness, stay home and consult with your health care provider.
Social Distancing Tips
Do not hug, shake hands, or high five. These actions can transmit a virus from person-to-person.
Maintain a distance of approximately six feet from others when possible.
Avoid mass gatherings and congregate settings. The CDC defines congregate settings as crowded public places where close contact with others may occur.
- Those who are at risk for more severe COVID-19 illness, such as older adults and persons with compromised immunity, should limit contact with others and be rigorous about social distancing and other protective measures.
Use good protective behaviors: wash your hands frequently using soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds; cover coughs and sneezes; stay away from others if you’re ill; and disinfect high-touch surfaces at home and work.
Bren Mar Park staff celebrated our regular Friday spirit day virtually... staying at home doesn’t keep our community apart!
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2020 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia