Lemon Road Community News 3.21.20

Message from Mrs. Castillo

Good morning Lemon Road family,

As we all embraced this week at home, restructuring our days, and learning how to adapt, remember we continue to be a strong and loving school community. I understand the anxiety and challenges that we all are facing as COVID-19 is uncharted territory for us all.

I hope your children have enjoyed this unexpected down time by exploring passions we are often too busy to pursue. The continuous time at home allows for extra time on a craft, fort-building, instrument playing, painting, and lots of reading. Thank you for the sweet messages from your children telling me how they are spending their days, what books they are reading, and how they are staying in touch with their teachers and friends through technology and hand-written notes. Please encourage your children to write me and send me pictures, they make my day.

If you have questions or need assistance, please email me anytime. We will continue to support one another.  Stay positive, enjoy the slower pace with your family, and please continue practicing social distancing so that we may reopen schools as quickly as possible.

Stay well,

Ashley Castillo

Continuity of Learning

The guidance to date provided by the Virginia Department of Education is that since school divisions cannot ensure equity in access, student instructional assignments should not be required or graded during the closure, at least through March 27. FCPS has provided families with centralized resources to support continuity of learning. These activities can be accessed through the FCPS 24-7 and are available on the FCPS Website. When anyone logs on to FCPS 24-7 they will see a Continuity of Learning module that has links to resources for elementary students as well as resources for middle and high school students.

Lemon Road also has online activities students can continue to practice with available on the Student Links page. Finally, our FCPS cable television channels are now broadcasting learning activities. New instructional videos are currently being recorded and will be added to the programming lineup shortly. Channel 21 includes elementary school programmingChannel 25 includes middle school programming, and Channel 99 includes high school programming.

Students Links

FCPS Food Distribution

Food Services

In addition to the previous information about food distribution, FCPS began curbside food pickup at Westgate (7500 Magarity Road, Falls Church) on Friday. Breakfast and lunch will be available from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday through Friday.  Those interested in picking up the meals are asked to follow the kiss and ride signage for traffic flow at the school.  FCPS staff will deliver meals to children and adults while they wait in their cars in the kiss and ride line.  For a complete list of distribution sites and times please click here.

Positivity Project: Fairness Week


Beginning Monday, we are focusing on the character strength of fairness – don’t let our distance stop you! For a one-page overview of fairness, please click here.  Fairness means that you believe that all people have value. You approach situations with an unbiased mindset and treat everyone with respect. Fairness is complex. That’s because it is the product of moral judgment – the process by which people determine what is morally right and what is morally wrong. Moral reasoning has been explored and analyzed in two main traditions: the justice reasoning approach and the care reasoning approach.