- Student Services Message
- Junior College Night Follow Up
- Feedback on Family Engagement Policy
- Out of the Darkness Walk
- PTSA Update: Princess for the Night/ Moe’s Night/Swap and Shop
- Dance Team Camps
- All Night Grad Celebration Update
- College and Career
- Yearbooks
- Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge
Important Dates:
March 12-7:00 pm: Partners for Safe Teen Driving Night in Springbank
March 18: Moe’s Night
March 19: Pyramid Art Show Reception
March 26: PTSA Swap and Shop
March 28: Out of the Darkness Walk
Happy Friday West Potomac!
Below are three quick updates/reminders:
- Beginning Monday, through March 16 all students in English 11 courses will be taking the Writing SOL. This is one of the two English SOLs required for Graduation – the other being the Reading SOL which 11th graders will take in May. Students will be testing on their FCPSOn Laptop and it is critical that all testers bring a charge laptop to school. A reminder we ask all students to bring a charged laptop to school every day. Thank you for reinforcing this message at home!
- Monday, March 9 is the last day to make any changes to 2020-21 course requests. Changes should be sent directly to your child’s school counselor. Students can access their current requests via their StudentVue account and parents/guardians can access these requests on their ParentVue account. A reminder to login via a web browser to view the courses. Beginning March 10, we will have a freeze on changes through Spring Break as we work to staff the school based on these requests. From April 14 – May 15 we’ll accept adjustments to course requests on a space available basis.
- There will be an interest meeting on Monday March 16 at 6:30pm in the cafeteria for students and families to learn more about two of our College Success Programs. A brief overview of AVID can be found here and an overview of College Partnership Program can be found here. Please join us to hear about two great programs that support students as they plan for life after West Potomac!
Wishing you a great weekend!
Kevin McMahon
Director of Student Services
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our College Planning Night last week (2/25/20). There was such a great turn out for our College Panel. If you attended, please take a moment to complete this survey that will give us valuable feedback as we plan future events!
Feedback on Family Engagement Policy
- FCPS families, staff, students and community members are invited to attend any of the Family Engagement Policy open meetings to provide feedback on the draft Family Engagement Policy. Stakeholders can also participate virtually in each of these meetings.
- One of these meetings will occur in the West Potomac Auditorium on March 30 from 7-8pm. See the attached flyer for more information.
Out of the Darkness Walk: March 28th
- Suicide prevention starts with everyday heroes like you. Join us on March 28th, 2020 at West Potomac High School for our first-ever Out of the Darkness Walk as we walk to fight suicide and raise awareness about mental health. Be a part of the movement turning hope into action and create a culture that’s smart about mental health. Funds raised at the walks will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Everyone is welcome to participate!
PTSA Update
Princess for a Night Prom Pop Up
Please support the Princess for a Night Prom Pop Up! This event provides prom dresses, shoes, bags, make up and accessories to West Potomac and other area high schoolers at no cost to help alleviate some of the expenses of attending prom! We are looking for donations of formal dresses, shoes, bags, new unopened make up and jewelry. You may drop donations at Just Dance in Belleview, Top It Off in Hollin Hall, the West Potomac office, or contact Kendra Chambers at kendrajanedc@gmail.com for other locations.
Swap and Shop Fundraiser, Thursday, March 26, 7-10 pm
SAVE THE DATE! PTSA “FUN-RAISER”- Swap and Shop, a night of unbelievable shopping for like new boutique style clothing and accessories with refreshments, silent auction items and a live local band! Thursday, March 26, 7-10 pm., 8481 Stable Drive. $40 cash entry at the door. Gather your unwanted, like new, women’s wear (dresses, jeans, jackets, shirts, skirts, pants, formal wear, sweaters, jewelry, hats, sports gear, etc) and small household gifts such as candles, notecards, perfume, etc, and drop them in a donation bin at 8418 Stable Drive between now and March 25. Then show up on the 26th, pay your entry fee and enjoy a fun night of shopping in the “boutique”! To receive an official e-vite (but you can show up without it!), email Amy Fazackerly at Amy@layngo.com. Thank you for supporting the PTSA!
Moe’s Night
Moe's PTSA Restaurant Night - March 18th. Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM. Please see the attached flyer. 20% of profits go back to PTSA.
Dance Team Camps
The Dance Team will be hosting three week long camps this summer! Click here for flyer with details.
All Night Grad Celebration (ANGC) Update-Next Meeting March 19
We need your help to make the ANGC a success! Please join us for our next meeting on March 19th at 7 PM at 8536 Riverside Rd, 22308.We are looking for UNDERGRAD PARENTS to help the day of with set up and chaperone events during the evening, such as raffles, games, and food. Please visit our website at angcwestpotomac.com or contact Rebecca Losee at angcwestpo2020@gmail.com for more information. To purchase tickets and Class of 2020 yard signs, or to make a greatly appreciated contribution, visit our website at angcwestpotomac.com
College and Career Center Please click here for the March College and Career Newsletter.
SAT/ACT Test Prep and Updates
Test Prep Classes School Year 2019/20 - the schedule for the year is available to view and register! Visit https://www.applerouth.com/schools/8946/ to see dates for classes and mock tests.
Spring SAT and ACT Classes start March 21 and prep for the official SAT or ACT in June. We will have summer SAT and ACT classes. These classes usually start near the end of July. The summer schedule will be posted to the test prep web page and announced in the NYC when finalized.
Set Your Testing Date:
Juniors who participate in extracurricular activities are strongly encouraged to look ahead at their activities schedule to determine the dates they are available to take the official SAT or ACT. Most students take the official tests more than once. Plan ahead and register early for most convenient testing locations!
Decide on Your Test Prep Strategy:
Once the testing date is set, determine your strategy for test prep. Self-directed free resources are available on Blackboard and the official testing sites. For those students who work better in a more structured classroom environment, the PTSA sponsors an on-campus test prep program (through Applerouth Tutoring).
Upcoming Mock Tests- Register https://www.applerouth.com/schools/8946/:
Mock SAT, 9:00am - 1:30pm, Room 438:
Mock ACT, 9:15am - 1:30pm, Room 437:
Why Take a Mock SAT or ACT?
Did you know that 54% of students show a natural increase the second time they take a real test? Use the mock to practice test time management skills – see if you have the ability to apply the content and strategies learned while studying when in an official test environment. Test your mental endurance. Earn confidence for the “real thing.”
Test Prep Scholarships: WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist Liz Carter.
PTSA Program Manager – Marilyn Aboff
It's 3rd quarter already! Don't forget to purchase your student's 2020 yearbook. It's bound to be full of memories! Order online today.
West Potomac High School Students to Compete in 2020 School Food Culinary Challenge March 21 at Hayfield Secondary School
Students from West Potomac High School will compete in the 8th annual Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge, sponsored by Silver Diner. The event is free to the public, but registration is required. Doors open at 10:45 AM, with a Public Tasting of students’ dishes at 11:00 AM.
The student “challenge” at the heart of this event is to create healthy, delicious, and appealing menu items that conform to USDA school meal guidelines. Winners in the lunch category are featured in school cafeterias across the National Capital Region the following year.
Entries are judged by a panel of celebrity chefs, school food professionals, students and local luminaries. This year 21 teams from 7 school districts will participate.
For more information please visit: