HES School House News - March 5

HES School House News

March 5, 2020



Upcoming Events

Tuesday, March 10

  • PTA Meeting (7:00 p.m.)

Friday, March 20

  • SCA Spirit Day - International Dress

Wednesday, March 25  

  •  Spring Picture Day



2019-2020 Yearbooks Now on Sale

Early-Bird Price $15

Early-Bird Deadline March 13


Order online at http://ybpay.lifetouch.com, Yearbook ID code: 13629420.



Shutterfly Storefront

Introducing a great way to shop that also gives back. Create unique photo gifts and personalized school gear through our custom storefront and Shutterfly will donate 8% of all purchases to Hayfield Elementary. Start shopping today at: HayfieldElementary.ShutterflyStorefront.com.



Magnet School Application and Lottery Information

The Magnet Program registration window will be open from March 3, 2020 through March 30, 2020.  No late applications will be accepted.

Families wanting to apply for the Magnet Lottery must have a SIS account.  If a student is not currently enrolled in FCPS, registration at the base school for the upcoming school year will be required.  

A separate application must be completed for each sibling applying.  Legacies also must apply to be eligible.  Acceptances into one of the magnet programs is not transferable into another program or school.

As stated in Notice 5922, a one-time pupil placement application fee applies for students accessing special programs outside of their base school for World Language Immersion or Magnet School Programs.  This $100 fee must be paid upon acceptance to the program.  For more information, please visit the Magnet Lottery Fees - Frequently Asked Questions webpage.



Student Intent to Return Form

While we will be working to support each student in a strong finish, now is the time we also begin planning for the upcoming school year to ensure a smooth opening! An essential part of this process is determining which students will be returning to Hayfield Elementary School this fall. This information is necessary for us to determine appropriate staffing for each grade level and to begin the process of assigning classes for the next school year. Please check your students Thursday folder this week for the form.  A completed form is due back for each child in your family (rising grades 1-7) no later than March 22.



Registration for School Year 2020-2021

Children residing in our boundaries who will turn 5 years old on or before September 30, 2020, as well as students in grades 1-6 transferring from Private/Home Schools or moving into our boundaries prior to the start of the new school year may visit our website and select an appointment to register. Appointments began in early February and continue throughout the summer. 

Please spread the word to neighbors to whom this may pertain. While you are guaranteed enrollment (as long as you physically reside in our boundaries and meet the age requirements) we prefer you register sooner rather than later to ensure we are adequately staffed.  If you will not have all of the required documentation prior to June 2020, please select an appointment time now (or as soon as possible) for later in the summer so we have your information and can anticipate your enrollment.

All information pertaining to registration, including eligibility and forms is outlined in the Sign-Up Genius where the appointment selection is available. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f49aca62aa46-20202021

Rising Kindergarten Playground Playdate and School Tour will take place on Tuesday, May 5 at 6:00 p.m. The PTA meeting will follow at 7:00 p.m. where before and after school care vendors will be available as well as a school spirit wear table.



Required Tdap Vaccination for

Rising Seventh Graders

Effective July 1, 2019, Virginia Law requires that all students entering seventh grade receive a booster dose of the Tdap vaccine prior to the beginning of school. The Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus (lockjaw), diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) and is usually given around the age of 11, although it can be given as early as seven years of age.

In order for your child to begin 7th grade you will need to submit one of the following documents before the first day of school.  It is recommended that all paperwork be submitted to the school office by July 31, 2020.

Acceptable documentation can be one of the following:

  1. A copy of your child’s immunization record showing the Tdap vaccine.
  2. A note on a healthcare provider’s letterhead stating the date the Tdap vaccine was given.
  3. A healthcare provider’s written statement of a permanent or temporary medical exemption.
  4. A notarized Religious Exemption Form.

The Tdap booster is available from your child’s healthcare provider or the Fairfax County Health Department. The Health Department Clinic locations and hours are available online or by calling 703-246-2411. Please note that students receiving immunizations at the Health Department must be accompanied by an adult and should bring their immunization records with them.



SCA Canned Food Drive

Our Canned Food Drive ends Thursday, March 6.  Our final count will be reported in next month’s School House News.  The SCA would like to thank everyone for helping.  Many families in our communities will benefit from your generosity. 



Jump Rope for Heart

Our Jump Rope for Heart Event was a huge success. Thank you to everyone that participated!!  The final day to turn in your envelopes and to collect donations online is Friday, March 13.  Participation thank you gifts will be ordered but will not be delivered for four to six weeks.



SCA Spirit Day-March 20

The SCA Spirit Day for March is going to be part of our international event.  The theme is international dress.  We will be looking at and sharing all the cultures that make up our Hawk community.  Wear an outfit that shows your international culture or heritage on Friday, March 20.



Career Fair

The Hayfield Elementary SCA is sponsoring a Career Fair during Math and Science Night on April 23, from 6-8 p.m. We are looking for volunteers to come and share their profession with our students. Tell the students about what you do, why you chose said profession, your educational background, and anything else that you would like to share. You will be given a table to put up any displays you might like and the students will walk around and see what you have and ask questions. The Career Fair will take place in the library hallway during our Math and Science Night. Please review the flyer below to learn more about our fair. You can fill out the volunteer form if you are interested in participating in the fair and send it in with your child. If you have any questions please feel free to contact, Ruth Drickey, either via email at ridrickey@fcps.edu or phone at (703) 924-4532.  Thank you for being willing to come and share with our students.


Career Fair Letter

Census 2020


Hayfield Helpful Links

Click on a link for information

Hayfield Elementary School website


Parent Resources (registration, SIS Parent Vue/Blackboard 24/7, Cafeteria, and BYOD)

Hayfield ES PTA

Inclement Weather

Blackboard 24/7 and SIS ParentVUE

School Menus

2019-2020 School Calendar

FCPS Main Website