Villa Tuesday News


Welcome Ms. Reina Ayala!

Welcome Ms. Ayala!

We are excited to welcome Ms. Reina Ayala - Fairfax Villa’s newest custodian. Ms. Ayala has been working for Fairfax County Public Schools for 14 years. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling back to El Salvador to spend vacation time there. When not traveling, Ms. Ayala enjoys spending time with her family. She and her husband have been married for 28 years and are the proud parents of two sons. One son is working on his master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Texas in Austin and the other son is closer to home studying at NOVA to later become a veterinarian.   Welcome to the Villa, Ms. Ayala! We are very happy to have you join the Villa family!

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars

February 5th:       Winter Band Concert 7:00 pm

February 10th:     Villa Laundry Drive

February 25th:    3rd Grade Folk Dance Night 6:30 pm

March 5th:            Boosterthon FunRun


Check Out our Villa Website: Our ESOL Program

Click here to learn more about the ESOL program at Fairfax Villa and in FCPS!


Positivity Character Trait Of The Week:


What does FORGIVENESS mean? Forgiveness is the ability to move past being injured and allow yourself to reconcile with the person who hurt you. Forgiveness can often be seen as a selfless act, but it also carries many benefits for those who practice itForgiveness is often rooted in the idea that all people are valuable and worthy of a second chance. Many who forgive can consider things from another’s perspective.

Why Does It Matter? For individuals, forgiveness has benefits that range from increased health to developing positive relationships to coming to an understanding that no one is without fault. Remaining bitter and angry increases your stress levels, and forgiveness helps an individual release that resentment, and repair or strengthen his/her relationships.

Quote Of The Week

 “Let us forgive each other—only then will we live in peace.” -- LEO TOLSTOY

Villa Gives Laundry Drive

This year, the Fairfax Villa SCA is sponsoring the Villa Gives Laundry Drive. We will be collecting laundry cleaning items to donate to a local family shelter, during the week of February 10-14. These items will be used for families at the shelter and for families that are transitioning into their own housing.

Examples, liquid laundry detergent, powder laundry detergent, laundry detergent pods, and dryer sheets etc.

For more information or questions, please contact, Mrs. Autman ( or Ms. Rubin (

School Psychologist

Did you know that there is a School Psychologist assigned to EVERY school in FCPS? FCPS School Psychologists are working hard to make a positive impact on the academic and social-emotional development of all FCPS students through the provision of mental health services that build resiliency, life competencies and good citizenship.  Please follow them on Twitter @FCPSpsychs to find out more about how they impact students’ lives every day!


First graders write about – and wish for – snowmen.

The following message is sent on behalf of the Fairfax Villa ES School PTA. Its content reflects the views of the PTA.


First Ever Global Fest: A Grand Success!

Thank you to *every* family, teacher, staff member who participated in or attended our first ever Global Fest; because of YOU it was an unforgettable experience! Thank you to Claudia Morales who chaired the event, and every volunteer who served on the Global Fest committee! We can’t wait to do it again next year! 



Spirit Wear Store Is Open!


We’ve been LOVING all the new Villa dragon gear we’re seeing around school! The store is open again for a SHORT TIME, online payments only. Selection and store can be found here:


Save The Date: Boosterthon!

This year, the culmination of our Boosterthon school fundraising drive (the Villa Fun Run!) will be taking place on Thursday, March 5. Stay tuned to PTA announcements for more details regarding the schedule if you want to come cheer your students on. While we are hopeful for a warm March day to hold the event outdoors as usual, we will have an indoor (glow run in the gym) contingency plan.



Gratitude Video: Don't Forget!

For Teacher & Staff Appreciation week in May, we want to have dozens of video clips from students expressing their gratitude for our amazing school personnel. Please send a 30 second or less video showing gratitude to BEFORE March 31st! 



No PTA Meeting Wednesday, February 5

It will instead be held on Thursday, March 12. Thank you!


@ FairfaxVillaPTA on Instagram & Twitter 

@ PTAFairfaxVilla on Facebook