Falcon Flyer: January 25, 2020

Volume 3, Issue 20; January 25, 2020

Happy Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year

Mr. Bechtle's students are ready for the Year of the Rat!

Shaffer_Making Days Count

Students in Ms. Shaffer's class ordered numbers from greatest to least. Awesome number sense, second graders!

Welcome to Third Quarter!

We look forward to continuing the learning during the second half of the school year. Parents, we hope you enjoy the long weekend with your children. Flint Hill staff will be participating in professional learning, as well as addressing progress reports, on Monday and Tuesday. 

Empty Bowls, Full Hearts

Second Annual "Empty Bowls, Full Hearts" Friday, February 14th!  

“Empty Bowls” is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level.

Please join your child for lunch on Valentine’s Day as we celebrate our community through the sharing of food, conversation, and art.  Every child will enjoy a popcorn treat using their very own handcrafted bowl.  Bowls will be sent home with students at the end of the day or can go home with a parent after lunch. We also ask that our families help fill bowls that may be empty in our community by donating canned and nonperishable goods during this event.  Donated goods can be dropped off in the cafeteria or in the main office.

We look forward to seeing you on Valentine’s Day!

Lunch Schedule:

3rd grade:  10:30-11:00 am

1st grade:  10:55-11:25 am

K:  11:30-12:00 pm

4th grade:  12:00-12:30 pm

6th grade:  12:30-1:00 pm

5th grade:  12:45-1:15 pm

2nd grade:  1:15 pm (*time change due to field trip)

Empty Bowls, Full Hearts tweet

Here are some images from last year's event. Let's make this year's event an even bigger success by filling more bowls in our community!

Away for the Day

Tech Talk

"Embracing a balanced approach to media and technology, and supporting adult role-modeling, is recommended to prevent problematic media use." (excerpted from Common Sense Media study)

Disconnecting from personal devices allows children an opportunity to focus on the world in front of them, connect face-to-face with individuals, and refine executive functioning skills. Children model what they see, and as the trusted adults in our children's lives, we can lead by example by finding the balance in our own digital lives.

  • Connect with your kids and support learning by talking about what your child notices, reads, and questions. Encourage your child to  consider media messages to better understand the role media plays in their own lives. 
  • Lead by example by putting your own device away while driving and during meal and family time. This consideration will reinforce your expectations, and your child will be more open and willing to follow by example when the house rules apply to you, too.

Want to learn more? Read more about the importance of finding a digital balance in Education Week.


AAP Continuum

Let's level about learning at Flint Hill!

As many of you are aware, Flint Hill is home to a dedicated staff of teaching professionals who are constantly seeking ways to challenge and extend the thinking of students. We began a thoughtful journey two years ago when we planned and executed changes in our Local Level IV program to advance the needs of all learners throughout our building, and not just identified students. Through focus groups with parents (in-person and online), conversations with staff and students, and ongoing communication with advanced academic central office personnel, we made a decision to enhance learning in language arts, science, and social studies by utilizing methods and strategies for instruction that align with the advanced academic planning and pacing guides. In addition, we went one step further and hired our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), Mrs. Timm, full-time. Mrs. Timm helps to lead our staff in meaningful discussions about differentiation through learning circles as well as through intentional planning that occurs each week during two Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) meetings. These meetings support deeper learning in language arts and in math, and non-CLT common planning time allows teachers to focus on integrated, concept-based curriculum that supports science and social studies instruction.

Beyond helping teachers scale up practices using AAP resources and methodology, Mrs. Timm supports all grade levels with access to rigor,  emphasizing challenging math tasks within a comprehensive math workshop model. All teachers continue to utilize a variety of engaging and thought-provoking resources across all content areas, which include, but are not limited to, Jacob's Ladder reading comprehension program, Socratic Seminar, Document Based Questions (social studies and language arts), Project M2 and M3 (mathematics), Project Clarion units (science), Project Based Learning (PBL) and the list continues!

At present, what we are most proud of is our school's commitment to instructional endeavors that align with the county's talent development model, and the differentiated framework that is required to address high ability students' cognitive and social-emotional needs. 

As we are eager to continue sharing our strengths, be on the lookout for more information about our instructional practices, as well as our upcoming orientation for our Local Level IV program!

Tweet of the Week

Twitter was on fire this week!

We continue to highlight learning experiences that support the acquisition of Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills across our classrooms.

Can you determine what PoG skills are evidenced below?

Hint: In the first photo, the attributes start with a "c," and in the second photo, our teachers are demonstrating persistence. Could they be goal driven?

For more information on Portrait of a Graduate, ask your child how they are a communicator, collaborator, critical and creative thinker, goal-directed and resilient individual, or ethical and global citizen. Or, click here!

Socratic Seminar_fifth grade

Please click on our hashtag, #FHESfamily, for more awesome highlights from Flint Hill! There are just too many to highlight them all!

For example, our kindergarten and first grade PBL units!

Tweet, tweet, Flint Hill family! 

Team Liaisons_Breakout

Click here more information about Breakout EDU!

School to Table

Flint Hill continues to innovate by growing its own produce for its salad bar! This is no easy feat, as we must have the right soil and growing conditions to ensure a safe and healthy harvest.

We are so excited about this new endeavor this year! 

Please Mark Your Calendars!

Great news! Flint Hill Elementary School's events are now easily added to your own personal calendar. To find out how to download our calendar feed, please go here.

Monday and Tuesday, January 27th and 28th: No School for Students

February 14th: Empty Bowls, Full Hearts (*See above for the schedule.)

Region 1 twitter

I would like to thank parents, staff, and students for their ongoing support. It is truly the most incredible honor to serve the Flint Hill community.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

QR code

Falcon Feedback

To provide feedback directly to Ms. Hertzberg, please use the QR code, or click on this link. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your thinking!