2 Hour Early Release

HALLEY ES 2-Hour Early Release at 2:05 PM

Good Morning,

Fairfax County Public Schools has announced a 2-Hour Early Release today due to the anticipated snow and possible hazardous driving conditions later today. Because of this early release, Halley ES will dismiss at 2:05 PM this afternoon. More information about the early release procedures including details about SACC and after-school activities can be found here.

Please anticipate that your students will be walking home or arriving at their bus stop two hours earlier than the regular schedule.  All other regular dismissal procedures will remain in place at Halley ES.

Our staff will be working hard this afternoon to ensure a safe trip home from school for all of our students. We will reach out to you throughout the day if there are any additional updates. 

Mrs. Peerman, Dr. Simpkins, and Ms. Johnson