AAP December Newsletter

Advanced Academics Program

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that a new decade is just a few weeks away! As 2019 draws to a close, our students continue to grow as critical and creative thinkers. During their geometry unit, all first-grade students learned geometry through the M2 Unit “Exploring Shape Games: Geometry with “Imi and Zani”. Students learned about attributes of shapes and compared and contrasted shapes using a Venn Diagram. Students also became shape detectives, identifying right angles in their classroom. Ask your first grader to find some right angles at home!


Before the Thanksgiving break, students read the book Duck for Turkey Day. Using the Jacob’s Ladder resource, they sequenced important events, discussed the cause and effect between these events, and created alternative endings for the story. As you read with your child over the break, ask them to consider different ways that a story could have ended. How would this different ending affect the characters? Would they like this new ending better-why or why not?

Fifth grade students have been busy exploring non-fiction texts and engaged in a cross-curricular Jacob’s Ladder focused on world renowned primatologist, Jane Goodall. They explored non-fiction text features to make sense of the article and used the knowledge gained to explore author’s purpose and discussed importance of Jane Goodall’s work and how it has impacted our understanding of primates during a Socratic Seminar.  

During winter break, you can explore the family resources from the FCPS AAP website available here. These resources provide opportunities to support the development of research and critical and creative thinking skills at home.

This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for referring students in Grades 2-7 for AAP full-time Level IV consideration is due no later than January 9, 2020.  Parents are welcome to submit early, but no late referrals will be accepted.  We advise parents not to wait for pending abilities test scores if they would like their student screened. While the Grade 2 screening pool casts a starting point for screening some students, test scores are only one factor in the eligibility decision. 

If you would like more information about Level IV AAP services or the screening process for Level IV, there are two parent presentations available on the AAP public website  that have the same information that was shared at our local school information meetings. Please submit your level IV referral to your child’s grade level AART.

2nd Grade

Tracy Haynes (tlhaynes@fcps.edu)

3rd and 4th Grade

Patty Edwards (pwedwards1@fcps.edu)

5th Grade

Angela Ulsh (alulsh@fcps.edu)


Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the level IV screening process.

Wishing you a wonderful winter break and a Happy New Year!

Your AARTs, Mrs. Edwards, Ms. Ulsh, & Mrs. Haynes😊