Fairview Fanfare - November 20

Falcon Fanfare

November 20, 2019



Come join the Fairview community

for this fun, festive tradition.

Volunteers: Are you available to help before or after your child's lunch? Consider signing up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4BACAB29A2F94-2019    


FLYER - This flyer provides the lunch schedule for each class as well as meal prices.

Inclusive Schools Week

Inclusive Schools Week (ISW) is an annual event which is held each year during the first full week in December. Since its inception in 2001, Inclusive Schools Week has celebrated the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population.

This year’s Inclusive Schools Week theme is Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools. The 2019 theme for Inclusive Schools Week provides educators, students, parents, schools, agencies, and communities with the opportunity to think about our current philosophies and practices regarding inclusion and to plan for “next steps” in the process.

On Friday, December 6, 2019 everyone is encouraged to WEAR BLUE!

Other opportunities for students will be highlighted in our next Falcon Fanfare!


Operation Gratitude

The SCA's Community Service Committee sponsored a candy donation to support our troops. Look at what was donated by Fairview students!



News from

Robinson Secondary School

All Night Grad Party Information


Upcoming Fairview Events


Nov 22- Stuffed Animal Day

Nov 25 – Thanksgiving Day Lunch

Nov 26 – Horizon: Reading (Gr 3-6)

Nov 27-29  Thanksgiving Day Holiday – No School


Dec 2-6 Inclusive Schools Week

Dec 2 – Horizon: Math (gr 3-6)

Dec 3 – Horizon: Science (gr 3-6)

Dec 6 – Wear Blue for Inclusive Schools Week

Dec 6/7 – PTA Toy Drive

Dec 9 -Winter Strings Concert

Dec 12 – Winter Choral Concert

                 PTA Board Meeting

Dec 13 –  HGD: 6th grade

  Chorus field trip to the Ellipse

Dec 16 – HGD: 5th grade, 6th grade

Dec 17 – HGD: 5th grade, 6th grade

Dec 18 – HGD: 4th, 5th, 6th grade

Dec 19 – HGD: 5th, 6th grade

                  1st grade Winter Celebration

                  Winter Band Concert (Laurel Ridge ES)

Dec 20 -HGD: 5th, 6th grade

                4th grade Winter Celebration

                6th grade Winter Celebration