MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Westfield Cares, Technology Fee

Dear Parents and Guardians:

On Monday, November 25, 2019, Westfield High School in collaboration with the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce and Westfields Marriott will conduct the annual Westfield Cares program. The Westfield Cares program is a full day event focused on the physical and mental well-being of our students by educating them about the dangers of substance abuse and mental health stigmas and coping skills. The theme for this year’s Westfield Cares program is “Overcoming Life Obstacles”. All sophomores are invited to attend this program.

Permission slips will be distributed to sophomores in their Health and Physical Education 10 class on Wednesday, November 6, 2019. Sophomores who return their permission slips prior to the Westfield Cares program will start their morning watching the film, Angst in the auditorium.  Following the preview, participants will walk to the Westfields Marriot. The program at the Marriot will include guest speakers, mindful movement breaks, and guided table discussions/activities led by table facilitators. The Westfields Marriott will provide all participants with a special Thanksgiving Day lunch. 

Please encourage your sophomore to attend this program.  Return permission slips to Student Services in H128 no later than November 15, 2019.

We will host a preview of the film, Angst for all parents on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Our intent in sharing this film with all families is to raise awareness of anxiety and start a dialogue among families and community members.  We will have community agencies available before and after the preview to offer information and resources. We will also facilitate a panel discussion following the preview from approximately 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

The following link provides more information about the film, Angst

I hope you will be able to attend the preview and support our efforts to help our students.




Anthony E. Copeland, PhD


Westfield High School


Technology Support Fee

As a reminder, the technology support fee will be billed on Monday, November 4.  Talking points about the Technology Support Fee are available online.