RCMS Updates - Week of October 7, 2019

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Important Upcoming Events

October 14 - School Planning Day - No school for students

October 21 - Fall Pictures (ANCHOR DAY)

Picture Day Volunteers Needed

Fall pictures will be taken on MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 (Anchor Day), through your child's PE class.  We are in need of volunteers to help this day go smoothly.  If you can devote a half day or a full day, you will receive a voucher for $35.00 which may be used toward the purchase of your child's picture package.  Sign up here: Picture Day Volunteers


Safety Reminders

Parents who are dropping off or picking up students during arrival or dismissal should ALWAYS do so via the Kiss and Ride Loop.  Students have been seen being dropped off at the top of the parking lot, forcing them to cross the bus parking lot to reach the school.  This is incredibly dangerous behavior during dark morning hours and busy bus arrival and departure times.  Remember, other drivers may not be able to see your child.

As always, we encourage you to have your child ride the FCPS bus in the morning and afternoon.  Doing so ensures that they arrive to school on time, ready to go, with no unexcused tardies on their permanent attendance record.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

Early Check-Outs

In the event you must pick up your child during school hours, please send a note with your child.  He/she should come to the office first thing upon arrival to receive an Early Dismissal Pass.  This helps us to avoid interrupting teachers during valuable class time in order to call your student for dismissal.  Full attendance procedures can be viewed here: Attendance Procedures

Volunteers Needed

Vision and hearing screening will be held on October 23 and 24 for all 7th graders.  If your child wears glasses, please be sure he/she has them at school on screening day.  The purpose of screening is to identify students who need further evaluation because they have difficulty seeing the screening chart or hearing the screening tones.

Parents will be notified by letter if screening results indicate that further testing is needed.  Vision and hearing difficulties can interfere with learning.  Prompt follow-up of a referral is recommended.

We need parent volunteers to assist with the screening process.  Any parent interested, please sign up here: 

Vision and Hearing Screening Volunteers

Credit Exam For World Languages 2019

Do your children speak languages other than English?  If they can read and write proficiently in a language other than English, FCPS offers our World Language Credit Exam where students can earn up to 3 high school credits in a World Language.  These credits can be applied towards the Advanced Diploma for the State of Virginia graduation requirements.  For more information, see below and have your child sign up via the google link located here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5l299YGMM7QE-YzpuaOfhgdw_Gz7_HcF1VDPfuE6wFgSILg/viewform.

Exam Information:

Date of exam: November 13, 2019

Time: 1:45 PM

Location: Rachel Carson MS Library

Registration dates are September 4-October 9, 2019.  More information and available languages can be found here:  https://www.fcps.edu/academics/high-school-academics-9-12/world-languages/credit-exam-world-languages

If you have questions you may contact your child’s school counselor.

Very Important: All registrations must be completed by October 9, 2019 at 4:00PM. Late registration will not be accepted

Helpful Resources:

*FCPS Credit Exam Website:


*Questions about graduation requirements or course planning?  Click here: https://www.fcps.edu/academics/graduation-requirements-and-course-planning


Join the RCMS PTA!

The RCMS PTA supports the school with funding for technology purchases, spirit events, student enrichment programs, staff development, staff appreciation events, and much more!  Go to www.rcmspta.org (use school code: 3MA6NU) to join the RCMS PTA.

To stay up to date on PTA news, please go to our website, likeus on Facebook and subscribe to RCMS PTA News You Choose emails.

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