Dear Parents and Guardians,
We realize that the recent news from the Region and FCPS Superintendent has come as a surprise. The information shared is all the information that we currently have. We assure you that business as usual is continuing at Haycock and the teachers are focused on student learning. The students are taking everything in stride and we’re proud of the continued level of excellence in the classrooms. If more information becomes available, it will be communicated with the school community.
Tonight is our annual PTA Movie Night and the feature film is How to Train Your Dragon. It begins at 7:00 pm with refreshments for sale. We hope to see you there!
The weather this weekend should be enjoyable. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Augie Heather Scott
The PTA’s Landscape Committee is hosting its 3rd annual Fall Garden Party to maintain and expand Haycock's green, healthy environment. Please join us on Sunday, October 20 as we completely renovate and combine two mulched areas in front of the school, supplement the plantings in the 6th grade gardens, and plant new flowers in our pots at the front entrance. Absolutely no gardening experience is necessary; just a willingness to dig in the dirt and enjoy the day outside!
We can’t do anything without you, so please sign up at the following link as soon as you can:
Fifth Graders will depart for the High Roads! Camp High Roads is a yearly event for the 5th grade class. The students will attend the camp for three days and two nights. Some of the unique experiences include a ropes course, zip line, nature studies, night hike with flashlights (The Night is Alive), a low course with team building activities, and compass course, etc. Students who have left Haycock for middle or high school fondly remember their experiences at Camp High Roads. Haycock 5h grade teachers, specialists, and administrators attend the activities during the three days. Kudos to the fifth-grade team who spent countless hours planning this adventure for our students. We will share highlight pictures of our 5th grade students attending the program next Friday.
All second grade students will be given the CogAt test during the week of September 30 – October 4. Those new to FCPS in grades 3-6, and those who have requested the one-time retake will begin testing the week of October 7th. Please plan your appointments accordingly.
FCPS allows for a one-time retake of an abilities test (CogAt or NNAT). If you would like to request a one-time only FCPS administered retake of the CogAt or NNAT test, contact Heather Boyd at or Scott Reeder at
AAP Update
AAP Information Night (New Date): October 17, 2019 from 6:30-7:30 in the cafeteria. This evening is open to all parents to learn more about the AAP Levels of Service. In November we will have two workshops about the process to apply for Level 4 services (November 19th at 8:30 a.m. and November 21st at noon).
New to FCPS Referrals: Due October 10, 2019. Families new to FCPS as of January 2019 have the option to refer their children for Level IV services in the fall. Families new to the school may also refer their children by the January 9, 2020 deadline.
Staff Birthdays!
Friday, 9/27
* Jeff Morrow, 6th grade teacher
Sunday, 9/29
* Will Pestcoe, 3rd grade teacher
Thursday, 10/3
* Rachel Blitch, orchestra teacher