News from our SBTS, Melinda Snyder


News from our SBTS,

Melinda Snyder

Digital Citizenship Week

FCPS is celebrating Digital Citizenship Week from October 21-25, 2019! This year’s theme is Media Balance and Well-Being: Developing a Healthy Relationship with Your Technology. Our school is celebrating Digital Citizenship Week with spirit days and activities focused on developing healthy habits around technology use. Students will have a choice board to select at least one activity a day that matches the daily theme. Parents can also choose to sign up to receive text messages from Common Sense Media with Tips for Health Tech Balance (for children ages 3-8). 

Below you’ll find the schedule of spirit days along with resources and suggested activities to help support healthy habits at home too. 

Spirit Days for the Week

  • Monday: Hat Day - Put on your thinking cap and reflect on your media use and habits.
  • Tuesday: Active Wear - Exercise your healthy tech habits.
  • Wednesday: Dress as your Muse - Dress up as your favorite artist, musician, author, inventor, actor/actress, scientist, etc. and focus on how you can use technology to create original works.
  • Thursday: Dress in Your Best - Wear your best or most professional clothing and focus on using high-quality media.
  • Friday: “Lei” Off the Tech - wear Hawaiian clothing and take a break from screens to connect more in person.

Resources and Suggested Activities for Each Day’s Theme

Monday: Families are encouraged to reflect on their own relationship with technology, their media habits, and begin to think of ways to make some healthy adjustments. 

Tuesday: Students and families are encouraged to exercise healthy tech practices such as managing notification settings and turning off screens an hour before bedtime. Try some of these ideas:

  • Consider making phone-free zones in your home.
  • Promote better sleep by disconnecting from screens at least one hour before bedtime and charging your phone outside of the bedroom.
  • Change your phone’s notification settings to minimize distractions or try some of these suggestions.
  • Visit Google’s Focus Your Time page for suggestions to track usage and manage your time on Android apps as well as time management suggestions for Youtube and Gmail.
  • Try some family mindfulness activities with GoNoodle’s Flow channel.

Wednesday: On this day, students and families are encouraged to think about how technology can be used to create original works.  Encourage students to favor the active use of technology for creation over passive consumption. Try some of these ideas:

  • Use Common Sense Media’s App Reviews to learn about your child’s favorite games and apps and what you might need to teach them in order to use it safely.
  • As an FCPS student, your child has access to a number of digital tools that promote creativity including Wixie (elementary only), Voicethread, and G Suite including Google Docs, Slides, Drawings, and more. These tools are available for students to create outside of school too!
  • Students are also encouraged to experiment with computer coding at home. has activities that teach students to use coding to design games, apps, drawings, and websites.

Thursday: Students and families are encouraged to think critically about the media they consume and actively evaluate and select high quality, age-appropriate media. Try some of these ideas:

  • Help your child become a critical consumer of media by discussing these 5 questions with them when you consume media together such as books, movies, and news articles.
  • Consider Common Sense Media’s reviews of movies, apps, TV shows, video games, websites, and music for information that can help you decide if the media your child is consuming is appropriate for them.
  • Check out this tip sheet with your child and emphasize the importance of choosing quality resources.
  • Try these additional tips on how to establish expectations at home around media use.

Friday: Students and families are encouraged to practice media balance by taking a break from screens to engage in real-world experiences and quality time with their friends and family. Try some of these ideas:

  • Have a device-free dinner and focus on connecting as a family.
  • Take on a Phone-Free Day challenge as a family and commit to leaving the phone at home when family members go to school or work.  Notice how your day changes and discuss the benefits and challenges together.
  • Have a family board game night instead of playing video games or watching TV.
  • Make a phone call or write a letter to a family member or friend instead of sending a text or email.
  • Spend time outside as a family and leave the phone behind. Thank you for participating in Digital Citizenship Week!  Take good care of your body, mind and your relationships and enjoy the benefits of using technology in a healthy and balanced way. 

Melinda Snyder, SBTS, Hayfield Elementary