News from the PTSA


Join us at our first PTSA Meeting of the year!  This Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30 pm in the school library.  Come hear about plans for the school year!


Join the PTSA!

We need members to make the PTSA run!  By joining the PTSA you not only support Lee High School but are connected to a state and national organization that advocates for our children.  Go to the PTSA website: for more information and to join. You can join online as well as print and mail the form to the school.  


There are several areas where we could use some volunteers:

-      Coordinate Hospitality events – staff appreciation event in May, etc.

-      Library – needed to assist in the daily operation of the library.  Help needed during school hours

-      General Help – we will email you when volunteers are needed for an event


Email Liz McGhan if you have can volunteer!


2019-2020 PTSA Board

Liz McGhan – PTSA President –

Melissa Rushing – Treasurer

Kali Pellegrino – Vice President

Cynthia Paul - Secretary


PTSA Scholarships!

Each year the PTSA offers scholarships to graduating Seniors of Lee High School.  To be eligible, seniors must be members of the PTSA.  PTSA membership for students is $10.  The deadline to become a member and be eligible for the scholarships is February 1, 2020.  The scholarship application must be submitted by May 1, 2019.  PTSA membership applications and the scholarship application can be found on the “Senior Table” in the main office, in the Career Center (from Ms. Shaw) and on the PTSA website: 


Donate to the PTSA!

The PTSA is in need of donations to help fund our mission to promote Lee High School, support our staff and the academic achievement of our students.  Your donations help support our student organizations, provide teacher appreciation events, award scholarships and help fund the All Night Graduation Celebration.  Checks can be made out to Lee HS PTSA and dropped off at the office or mailed to Lee High School PTSA, 6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA, 22150.  Thanks for your support!


Or see the following options:


Giant Food Bonus Bucks!

Every time you shop at Giant Food, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Lee High School.  Go to and register your card to designate Lee High School.   


 Amazon Smile!

Did you know that you can designate Lee High PTSA when you shop on Amazon?  Just go to and designate Robert E Lee High PTSA.  Every dollar helps!


CLASS OF 2020 - All Night Grad Celebration (ANGC)!

This year’s All Night Grad Celebration will be held the night of graduation, June 1, 2020.  We need parents from all grade levels to help plan this safe and fun event for our 2020 Seniors!  


Join us at our first planning meeting of the year, Thursday, September 29th at 7 pm in the school library!


We need volunteers for the following committee chairs to ensure a successful event.  If you are willing to volunteer for any of the positions listed below or have general questions about the event, please reach out to the ANGC Chair Rhonda Meyer at

- ANGC Co-Chair

- ANGC Treasurer

- Ticket Chair

- Yard Sign Chair

- Eagle VIP Chair

- Volunteers Chair

- Donations Chair

- Publicity Chair

- Fundraising Chair

- Door Prize Chair


Tickets are on sale now for $75.  

Yard signs announcing your senior’s graduation are $15.00.   

Ticket forms and Yard Sign forms can be found in the main office on the "Senior Table" and completed forms and payment can be dropped off in the main office at any time or mailed to the school.  Forms can also be filled out and payment made online at .   


Planning meetings for the rest of the school year are as follows.  These meetings will be held at 7 pm in the school libary:


October 24th

November 21st

December 19th


January 23rd

February 27th

March 26th

April 23rd

May 28th (at South Run)