Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
It has been a great first week of school at Stone Middle School. I have been impressed with the transition our new 7th grade students are making to middle school and the way the 8th graders are helping to welcome them to our school community. Our students have done a great job handling new schedules, lockers, and navigating the building. I am excited about this year and getting to know our students.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30TH AND MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Just a reminder that school will be closed on Friday and Monday for the Labor Day Holiday. School will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd. It will be an odd block day and students will attend their 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th period class. Just a reminder, the first bell rings at 7:25 a.m. Students who are driven to school should be dropped off at Kiss & Ride off Sully Park Drive, avoiding the faculty parking lot and the bus lanes.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of my administrative team should you have any concerns or suggestions throughout the year. You can call the main office number at 703-631-5500 for immediate assistance. We look forward to working with you and your student this year!
Sincerely, Amielia Mitchell, Principal
Mandatory Forms for the 2019-20 School-year – The following forms MUST be turned in for every student:
• Emergency Care Form
• Health Information Form – Click here to access form, print, complete and send it through your child on the first day of school.
• Military Connected Students Form - Click here to access. Print and fill out if applicable and send it to us through your child.
Emergency Care Forms are due back next week signed by parents. Did you know you can submit your Emergency Care Form electronically? Parents can use their SIS Parent log in and password on FCPS 24-7 Learning: Parent View to update and submit your emergency care form. Using FCPS 24-7 Learning: Parent View, it provides parents access to teachers blackboard courses for class assignments at Stone MS, weCare@school to view and update Emergency Care information, and Bus Stop Information via the Bus Stop module and Naviance Student to view College and Academic Career Planning (for Middle and High school students).
Please use the link below to access the log in page for FCPS 24-7 Learning: Parent View. If you do not have an active SIS Parent Account, please email Amy Copeland at alcopeland1@fcps.edu or call 703-631-5560 to obtain an activation code.
For step by step help on how to update your students emergency information, please use the link below.
Our PTSA Fundraiser kickoff is next Wednesday, September 4th. Students will bring home their fundraising form for parents to sign. This year’s fundraiser will run for two weeks. Please look for details on Wednesday with more information.
Please note that it is necessary to have an active FCPS 24-7 Learning Parent View. The Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account will give you 24 hour access to your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more. The same login credentials will be used to access both the SIS and FCPS 24-7 systems. Please sign up at this link: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/technology/fcps-24-7-learning/parent-help
The Free and Reduced Meals application is now online. Families must re-apply every year to receive this service. More information and a link to the application can be found at: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/student-safety-and-wellness/food-and-nutrition-programs/free-and-reduced-price-meals. Please also complete the consent to share information (section 4 of the application) as this can allow the school to waive course fees and receive reduced fees for other activities. If families do not re-apply their number will be inactivated in early October.
Parents can use this online payment system to check balances and add money to school cafeteria accounts, to make payments to the school for various school related items and to receive low account balance notifications.
Friday, August 30 – Labor Day -Student Holiday Monday, September 2 – Labor Day – Student Holiday Tuesday, September 3 – Odd Day Wednesday, September 4 – Even Day Thursday, September 5 – Odd Day Friday, September 6 – Even Day Monday, September 9 – Student Pictures -Odd Day Tuesday, September 10 – Student Pictures – Even Day Wednesday, September 11-12 – Play Auditions