Principal Updates - Week of September 2

Be sure to follow us on Facebook (, Twitter (@OaktonHS), and Instagram @oaktonhs!  Visit our Oakton Accolades page to see our latest student accomplishments.  

Important Upcoming Dates

September 2: No School (Labor Day) 

September 5: Back-to-School Open House (4-7pm) 

September 9-10: Class Meetings (Cougar Time) 

September 10-11: Underclassmen Pictures

September 12: Senior College Planning Parent Night

September 19: Senior Panoramic Picture (Cougar Time) 

September 30-October 4: Homecoming Week

October 2-3: Senior Portrait Make-up 

October 5: Homecoming Dance 

October 14: School Planning Day - No School 

October 16: PSAT Day; Candidates' Day; 2 Hr. Early Release

October 17: Underclassmen Picture Make-up

November 1: End of 1st Quarter

November 4: School Planning Day - No School 

November 5 - Teacher Workday - No School 

Renovation Update

Finishing touches continue in the cafeteria.  The poles are being encased and surrounded with burgundy accents.  Work near the main athletic field continues.  We are on track to have everything finished for our Homecoming football game on October 4.  The brick continues to go up on the new addition, along with the new ticket booth area.  The new stone window sills are going in.  The steel work for the library and Oakton Hall continues at the center of the addition. 

Please visit our website for more information on the scope of the renovation and the renderings of what the building will look like when completed. 

FCPSOn - Laptop Distribution

Last week we distributed laptops through advisory on Monday and Tuesday.  On Thursday, we distributed to students who have an academy during 3rd/4th period.  Many classes have begun using the laptops in a variety of ways and it is exciting to see the way it is transforming our learning environment!  Please visit our FCPSOn at Oakton website for more information.

General Information 

Student Schedules 

Our staffing decisions and the number of courses offered were based on the classes students selected during the registration period. To maintain the best possible program for our students and one that is most responsive to their educational needs, schedule changes will be limited to space available.  Below is the timeline for schedule changes for this school year.  

Timeline for Schedule Changes: 

  • August 28 - September 16: School counselors will make schedule change requests based on space available
  • September 17 - November 1 (end of 1st quarter): No schedule changes
  • After November 6: Any student requesting a schedule change will need to fill out the schedule change request form, signed by parent, student, teacher, school counselor and administrator. If approved by the administration, schedule changes will only be processed if there is space available.
  • There will not be any schedule changes, regardless of space available, after the end of the 3rd quarter.  

For any questions you may have, contact your child’s counselor.

Senior College Planning - Parent Night 

Senior Parents and Guardians please join us on Thursday, September 12th from 6:30-8:00 pm for Senior College Planning Parent Night. Counselors will be providing you with information on the college process and Oakton’s transcript request procedure. We look forward to seeing you.

Counselors will be presenting to seniors in their history classrooms September 3rd  & 4th . Counselors will also be meeting with each Senior individually to discuss their own post-secondary plans, graduation requirements, transcripts and answer questions. Individual senior meetings with students will begin September 9th and run through September 20th. .

Back-to-School Open House, September 5

This year we will be switching the model we use for Back-to-School Night.  Based on parent and staff feedback, we found that the model that had been in use has not been highly effective.  We will have an open-house style Back-to-School Night on Thursday September 5 from 4:00-7:00pm.  Parents will be able to come at the time that best meets their schedule as we will not have designated times for each period to meet.  A detailed email regarding our event was sent out on Thursday, August 30.   


Parent Information

Partners for Safe Teen Driving

All students enrolled in Classroom Driver Education during the 2018-2019 school year must attend a 90-minute parent-teen traffic safety presentation (PSTD). The 90-minute presentation is connected to successful classroom instruction and must be completed to receive a DEC-District 8 card. The 90-minute parent-teen traffic safety presentation (PSTD) will be offered four times during the school year at Oakton. Students and their parent/guardian should plan to attend the presentation at Oakton during the quarter their student receives driver education. 

PSTD meetings at Oakton during 2019/2020 school year:

  • Tues. September 24th
  • Wed. December 4th
  • Mon. February 24th
  • Mon. April 20th


All sessions will run from 7:00-8:30pm in the Oakton Auditorium.

Please bring a pen/pencil and arrive on time. Late arrivals will not be admitted once the presentation begins.

The meeting is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors that have not attended a PSTD night yet. The student and parent must attend one presentation as a part of the VA licensing requirements. 

Juniors and seniors who wish to attend, must pre-register online through the Adult and Community Education (ACE) office and pay a $30 fee - please see a Drivers Ed teacher for more details.

Sophomores DO NOT need to pre-register. This is not available to freshmen

The Pantry at Oakton High School

Did you know that Oakton High School has a pantry where students in need can pick up non-perishable food, personal hygiene products, household cleaning supplies, and paper goods? If you are in need, please contact anyone in the guidance office and they can offer you assistance.

The Pantry at OHS is supported by our wonderful Oakton community. Donations are always welcome and can be dropped off in the front office, at door 4.

We also have an Amazon Wish List that is updated for the new school year and kept current with The Pantry’s needs. Items purchased off the Wish List are shipped directly to the school!

Thanks so much for your generosity and support! The Pantry Team

PTSA Welcome Letter 

Hello Oakton Families!

On behalf of the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA), I would like to welcome all families to another school year at Oakton High School. We are very excited to share a NEW way to stay in the know on all things!  You will need a PTBoard account to volunteer, check out and pay, view our online directory and view your student's class level group. It's very easy to sign up!

  • Browse to “
  • Click “Sign Up” in the top right corner and you will be prompted to create an account within PTBoard. Make sure your email is correct!! You will be sent a confirmation email to later verify your email.
  • Enter school code 6EH8VK and hit Join.
  • After signing in, go to your name (upper right hand corner) and click on “My Profile” and enter your contact information including adding your student(s).
  • Browse around on the new site, purchase membership, make a donation or involved with a volunteer activity!

Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.  Whether you are a new or returning OHS parent, please get involved in any way that works for you. Here are some quick links to get you started - make sure you set up your account first!

I look forward to working with our teachers, staff and families to provide a great school year for our students.  I hope you will contact me with any questions, comments, or new ideas that will benefit our community!


Monique Roberts-Rabil 2019-2020 Oakton PTSA President

FCPS Cares

Do you know an Oakton High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected?  If so, then click here to share with everyone. 

Parent Resources - FCPS

In FCPS we recognize that when families are engaged in their children’s education, students achieve higher grades, attend school regularly, have better social skills, and go on to postsecondary education. We offer programs, services, and resources that engage families, schools and the community in support of student success.

Find out more here about programs and supports offered in FCPS to build stronger family-school partnerships and better engage families.

Upcoming Parent Resource Center Workshops: Power Struggles

Knowing When to Walk Away

Attend this important workshop, presented by Michele Tureaud and Lori Kraden, FCPS Behavior Intervention Teachers, to understand the characteristics of power struggles.

Highlights will include:

  • Recognizing power struggles
  • Identifying why power struggles occur
  • Strategies for parents

Friday, September 6, 2019, 10 a.m.-noon

Register for Power Struggles: Knowing When to Walk Away

Getting Past Procrastination: How to Get Your Kids Organized, Focused, and Motivated...Without Being the Bad Guy

Like any parent, you want your child to succeed. The problem is, otherwise smart and capable kids frequently find themselves stuck in a tumultuous, never-ending struggle with procrastination, motivation, and organization.

Join us for this workshop to learn how to:

  • Discover the hidden emotional causes of procrastination
  • Put good behavior on autopilot using the power of habit
  • Use “The Organizational Arsenal”: Tools and strategies to keep even the most scattered kids on track
  • Use examples of scripts to spark motivation, address problems, and communicate with your child without being labeled the “Bad Guy.”

Presented by Ann Dolin, M.Ed., educational consultant and award-winning author. Ann is the President and Director of Educational Connections, Inc.

Friday, September 20, 2019, 10 a.m.-noon

This session is full.  Waitlist for Getting Past Procrastination: How to Get Your Kids Organized, Focused, and Motivated...Without Being the Bad Guy

Voices from the IEP Table: Perspectives on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families

This workshop explores the individual perspectives of IEP meeting participants who work with students who are culturally and linguistically diverse.

Join us for this workshop to learn:

  • Best practices for working with students with diverse backgrounds
  • Practical suggestions for improving the experiences of teams serving students with diverse backgrounds. Including:
    • Home-school communication
    • IEP Meetings
    • Cross-cultural interactions

Presented by Karrin Lukacs, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Shenandoah University and Sherry Steeley, PhD., Associate Professor at Georgetown University

Friday, September 27, 2019, 10 a.m.-noon

Register for Voices from the IEP Table: Perspectives on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families

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