Glasgow Middle School - First Day of School


Glasgow Community -

The 2019-20 school year is off to a great start. Glasgow staff members welcomed our new and returning students into the building. Throughout the day as admin and coaches supported teachers in the classroom, it was great to see our staff meeting and greeting students, leading opening activities aimed at building relationships and exciting students about course content, and explicit teaching of school routines and procedures.  

During Panther Time today, students began learning each others’ names, reviewed the purpose of and plan for Panther Time, and were reminded of important first-week information. Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 27, is an even day, meaning students will attend the following periods in this order: 2nd, Panther Time, 3rd, 4th, and 6th.

Transportation ran fairly smooth both during arrival and dismissal today. Students did a great job remembering their bus numbers and working with school staff to find buses in the afternoon line-up. We took good notes on how we can continue to work with FCPS Transportation to optimize logistics and are committed to seeing all students arrive and depart on time. Thank you for your flexibility during this first week.

Parents who drop off up their student to school via Kiss & Ride, should do so by 7:15am. Announcements will be at 7:25am and class begins at 7:30am. Keep in mind that congestion and backup can be significant, causing your student to be late to their class if you drop off your student after 7:15am.  

If you have any questions, concerns, compliments, or observations, please let me know. You can also contact the associated teacher, counselor, or administrator. Our contact information is on the school website (see link below).

Shawn DeRose


Twitter: @ShawnDeRose


Glasgow Middle School Panther Mascot, image

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