2019 MOVE Summit - for African American Males with Disabilities

MOVE is a VDOE sponsored, optional three-day institute for African American males, aged 13-21 with disabilities and their parents.  It will be held July 14-16, 2019 on the campus of Virginia State University in Petersburg, Virginia.  Utilizing state leadership and mentors, young men engage in activity-based learning.  Participants unlock their potential to overcome barriers, become self-determined, and graduate high school to be college and career ready.  Concurrent parent workshops offer resources and tools to promote self-determination in their sons and increase parent engagement in the education process.  For additional information visit:

This is a VDOE sponsored event. If accepted, participants will have no costs associated with attendance. To apply:

For questions about the institute, contact Amanda Randall, Statewide Coordinator Self-Determination Project, Applications are due April 1, 2019.