Belvedere News and Announcements

Wednesday Folder Information

Please find electronic copies of your child's Wednesday folder items on the PTA website. Thanks for going green and accessing these items online each week! If you would like to change your preferences for paper or electronic copies, please contact the office.

Dear Belvedere Families,

We are excited to share with you that Marcie Atkins, Belvedere librarian, was named the Potomac Region 2019 Librarian of the Year. This award is sponsored by the Virginia Association of School Librarians (VAASL), which includes seven regions. The Potomac region covers Northern Virginia, including Fauquier, Prince William, Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudon counties. The seven region winners are now in the running for Librarian of the Year for the state, which will be announced at the VAASL conference in November.

Ms. Atkins’ contributions to the Belvedere community are many. She regularly collaborates with grade level teams to write curriculum, and she engages students through inquiry-rich instruction. She consistently contributes ideas that help expand others’ thinking, resulting in better outcomes for students. Ms. Atkins is comfortable with technology integration. She ensures that students are well-versed in navigating electronic resources, such as encyclopedias, reading databases, and internet resources. During library sessions with individual classes, Ms. Atkins regularly incorporates the use of technology, including interactions on the Smart Board and use of laptops and iPads. Ms. Atkins also works closely with the school’s technology teacher to run the school’s student-led news program.

Ms. Atkins regularly extends her knowledge by attending workshops and building professional connections with other librarians. She consistently shares new learning with staff. Ms. Atkins is also a writer and she regularly connects with authors who share their knowledge with the students at school. Through her leadership, the Belvedere library program consistently deepens and expands students understanding of literacy and resources available. Congratulations, Ms. Atkins!

Pennies for Patients starts tomorrow!

On March 14 we will begin a Pennies for Patients Drive to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We will kick off the drive that Thursday with a superhero spirit day, and students are invited to dress as their favorite superhero! Donation boxes will be available in every classroom for students to donate pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Our school goal is to have every classroom participate at least one day during the drive.

Friday is the 3rd Grade Seed Sale!

Please join us on Friday, March 15, for the annual third grade seed sale! Students will be selling seeds in the front lobby between 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. and at the PTA Silent Auction at Glory Days Grill starting at 6 p.m. This event is open to the public; come out to support our students!

Special Request: Donate your tissue boxes

Please consider donating tissue boxes for the Kindergarteners’ counseling lesson this month. They will be creating “Worry Monsters” as a follow up to last month’s lesson about worries and what to do with them. Donations can be dropped off at the front office or brought in to the Kindergarten classrooms. Boxes may be full or empty. Thank you from the Counseling Department!

Author Visit Book Orders

Two authors will be visiting our school in March, and students have the opportunity to order some of their books ahead of the visits! Please see the dates below as well as flyers in the February 13 Wednesday Folder for details.

Sue Fliess—author visit for K-1-2 on March 27

  • Book order deadline is March 20
  • Note: these orders will go through BES (Please make checks payable to Belvedere ES.)

Order your yearbook!

Yearbooks are on sale through March 22, 2019. Please see the February 21 Wednesday Folder for details, pricing, and order forms. You can also purchase a yearbook online using the link below.

Online Yearbook Order Link

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, 3/15: 3rd Grade Seed Sale (8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Belvedere Lobby)
  • Friday, 3/15: PTA Silent Auction (6 p.m., Glory Days Grill)
  • Tuesday, 3/26: Family Science Night (6 p.m.)

Find a complete list of events on the Belvedere website.