Key MS: News and Updates

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Dear Key Middle School Community:


Dr. Holleb, Principal of Key Middle School, will be out on leave for a few months for family leave.  We will be providing additional support while Dr. Holleb is out of the office.  Mr. Fred Amico will be joining the administrative team until Dr. Holleb’s return.

Mr. Amico has worked with Fairfax County Public Schools for the past 32 years until he retired this past July.  Mr. Amico was a high school English teacher for 17 years before becoming an assistant principal for 10 years.  He finished his career as the principal at Langley High School.  Mr. Amico grew up in the Springfield community attending Crestwood Elementary, Key Middle, and Lee High School.

Estimada comunidad de Key Middle School:

Dra. Holleb, directora de Key Middle School, estará ausente por unos meses por motivos familiares. Estaremos brindando apoyo adicional mientras la Dra. Holleb está fuera de la oficina. El Sr. Fred Amico se unirá al equipo administrativo hasta el regreso de la Dra. Holleb.

El Sr. Amico ha trabajado con las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Fairfax durante los últimos 32 años hasta su jubilación el pasado mes de Julio . El Sr. Amico fue profesor de inglés en la escuela secundaria durante 17 años antes de convertirse en subdirector durante 10 años. Terminó su carrera como director en Langley High School. El Sr. Amico creció en la comunidad de Springfield y es ex alumno de las escuelas Crestwood ES, Key MS y Lee HS.

Transition time!

February 14th – 20th – Rising 8th Grade Registrations thru 7th Grade P.E.

For 8th Graders:  Global STEM Challenges Program at Edison High SchoolA limited number of spaces are available for the Global STEM Challenges Program, which will continue at Edison High School for the 2019-20 school year for interested ninth grade students who will have successfully completed Algebra 1 by the start of ninth grade. This STEM-focused, three-year, interdisciplinary program consists of three honors and IB level integrated math, science, and engineering courses for each of the students’ first three years of high school and focuses on project-based learning. Students have the opportunity to earn a tenth credit in Computer Science, which is embedded throughout the program. Interested parents and students are encouraged to attend an open house on March 19, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. to learn about the program and how to request to enroll for 2019-20.


                       Fairfax County Public Schools – Principal Notification to Parents

                                          School Environment: Parent Survey


Dear Parent,


Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is studying how school environments relate to discipline practices in the Division. As part of the study, you will receive a survey from FCPS’ Office of Research and Strategic Improvement.  A small number of classrooms will also participate in the study’s student survey. The surveys are designed to help FCPS understand your and your child’s thoughts about the school environment and how discipline is approached in their school.


Surveys to parents will be translated into multiple languages and come via eNotify. Student surveys will be administered at school. Participation is voluntary for you and your child, and all responses will be anonymous.


I encourage you to participate in this important survey to help FCPS understand what is working well and where we can improve.


Thank you,


Fred Amico

Interim Principal

Key MS



Yearbooks - 2018-2019: It’s never too early to order a Key Middle School Yearbook!  Take advantage of ordering before February 15th for $25 because after that date, the price goes up to $35!  Save $10 now!  Have your student bring a check made out to Key MS or cash to Ms. Kendall in room 136 any time!  Yearbooks are released the last week of school and no students wants to be without one!

Students save $10 now and order your yearbook for $25.  The price goes up on Feb. 15th to $35.  Bring a check made out to Key MS  or cash to Ms. Kendall in room 136 any time.  There are only about 20 days until the price goes up!

Key Family Programs: Let’s Cook! --Session 4: Smart Snacking 101, April 2, 2019 (Tuesday)

This afterschool program provides hands-on cooking classes to empower families with the skills to be healthy, self-sufficient, and confident in the kitchen. The classes will cover meal preparation, grocery shopping, nutrition, and clean-up. Participants will practice fundamental food skills, including proper knife techniques, reading ingredient labels, working with different cooking methods, and making a healthy meal for a family of four. Location: Key Middle School; Room #119, From 6pm to 8pm.

Instructor: Registered Dietitian, Jennifer Littau (4th year teaching the program at Key MS)

SIGN UP Today!! With Ms. Spencer: 703-313-3961 or email

Kiss-N-Ride Procedures: Students should be dropped off only on the Franconia Rd side of the building in the morning. We are having safety concerns with students being dropped off in front of the main entrance and cars making illegal U turns in front of entrance #1. We have staff and students walking in the area and we want to keep that area safe for everyone. Thank you for your assistance with keeping our entrance area safe.

Key MS Pencil Drive: Looking to help Key MS? Please consider donating pencils. New and gently used pencils can be brought to the main office. We will then distribute these to our staff.  Got Questions? Email Dr. Holleb:

Lee HS TEAM STORE on the Lee HS Activities webpage at  Once you go to that link, you can click on “Lancer Spirit Wear”, there is a link that will pop up that says “spirit wear link.”  This will take you to the Lee Store where you can purchase Lee gear for yourself and our future lancers!

Friday Food Packs—Key Middle School’s Department of Student Services will be providing food packs to students on Friday afternoons each week during the school year.  If you would like to have your child receive a food pack, please contact Ms. Rivera at 703-313-3913 or

Paquetes de comida cada viernes-El departamento de servicios estudiantiles de la escuela de Key va a proveer paquetes de comida para estudiantes todos los viernes durante el año escolar.  Si Usted quiere que su hijo reciba un paquete de comida, póngase en contacto con la Sra. Rivera al 703-313-3913 o

Amazon Smile: Do you shop on Amazon? If so, please consider using our link.  A small percentage of your purchase. (0.5%) will come back to the PTA. It does not cost you anything! Just start at  This will only count for purchases that are made using the smile link.  Once you have linked your account with Key, you just have to start at and we will get credit. This will not work for purchases through the smartphone app.

No-Sell Fundraiser: We will continue to accept donations for our No-Sell fundraiser throughout the school year.  If you would like to donate, the easiest way is via PayPal, using our direct link:

e-Notify Emergency Messages Will Be Communicated via New Vendor Beginning December 14

Fairfax County Public Schools will be moving to a new vendor to provide emergency and essential email, text, and phone notifications beginning December 14, 2018. If you currently receive emergency and essential communications via email, text, or phone, you do not need to do anything as you will continue to receive this information.

If you do not receive a text message, please check the contact information listed on your child’s emergency care card in weCare. Your cellphone number must be listed in the cell phone field in order to receive text messages from FCPS.

New this year, parents can enter their student’s cell phone number in weCare so that their student will also receive text messages for delayed openings, school closings, and late bus notifications. The student’s cell phone number will need to be entered in Section 4, under Additional Information. If the student’s cell phone is listed in weCare, they should have received the text message on December 14.

Emergency and essential information includes:

  • Emergency
  • Delayed openings/school closings
  • Attendance
  • Early release
  • Buses running late
  • Low lunch balance
  • Power, telephone, internet outages or facility repairs
  • Back to school information
  • Important testing dates

If you have recently changed your contact information, please be sure to update the emergency contact information in weCare.

As a reminder, in addition to email and text messages, all FCPS weather delays and openings are also posted on Twitter, Facebook, FCPS website, school websites, and local radio and television broadcasts. Read more about Weather Cancellation Procedures


February 2019

11-15 WIDA

12 PTA Meeting @6:30pm Rm 103

14-15 Rising 8th grade registration through HPE

18 Holiday - George Washington’s Birthday

19-20Rising 8th grade registration through HPE

19-22 WIDA snow date

22 2nd Quarter Honor Roll Assemblies

27-1 Battle of the Books

28 NJHS Valentine’s party

28 Band Pre-Assessment Concert

March 2019

1 Most Improved Ceremony- cafeteria  8-9am

4-8 Writing SOL

7 Parent Coffee (meet the Lee HS Admin/DSS) @10-11am Rm 121

11 Early Release Day

14 SCA Dance

19 Quarles & Carla Shaw discuss CPP applications during advisory @ LH

19 Student Learning Plan through English 8

19 PTA Meeting @6:30pm  guest speaker- Ms. Deirdre Lavery, Principal Lee HS

20-22 Finance Park Field Trip

25-29 NJHS Acceptance Letters Sent out through Advisories’

26 Battle of the books

27-29 March Madness through advisory

29 8th grade Field Trip to Lee HS