Poe Family Newsletter January 21


We hope you are staying warm on this day set aside to honor

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Second Semester Schedule Changes

All students grades 6-8 will receive second semester schedules in their first period class on Monday, January 28th. Students who have a new second semester class first period can find their new class room number in a list on the wall in various places throughout the building (main hallway and grade level pods). Please contact your student’s school counselor if you have any questions. 


Poe Logo

PTSA (Parent, Teacher, and Student Association) Our next PTSA meeting will be on Monday, January 28th at 6pm.  We hope you will join us!  Childcare will be provided.

PTSA (Asociación de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes)

La próxima reunión de la PTSA será el lunes 28 de enero a las 6pm.  ¡Esperamos su participación!  Se proveerá cuidado de niños.

Save The January Date

23rd – Rising 6th Grade Curriculum Night from 6-7:30pm

24th – 2nd Quarter Ends

25th – No School, Teacher Workday

28th – PTSA Meeting at 6pm