Lees Corner Updates 1/11/19


It was Pajama Day in Mrs. McGorty's 4th grade class! Your class could be next.

After School Activities

Registration for After-School Activities is slowly coming to an end.  If you want to register your children for any of these classes, please do so ASAP.  

Monday - Comic Book Illustration, grades 1-6
Tuesday - Python Programming, grades 4-6
Tuesday - French, grades K-6 
Wednesday - Soccer, grades 3-6
Wednesday - STEAM/Art, grades K-6
Wednesday - Junior CEO's, grades 3-6 (canceled due to low enrollment)
Thursday - Coding, grades 2-6
Thursday - Glow Light Dance, grades K-6
Friday - Sports Spectacular, grades K-3 (starts today)

To find greater detail on the courses, the pricing, and to register, visit our PTA site - http://leescornerpta.net/ and click on After School Programs.  

Email lcesafterschoolenrichment@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of Lees Corner history by designing our 2019 6th Grade basketball game t-shirt. Students from ALL grades can enter! One winning design will be selected and the winner will receive a free t-shirt!


  • Must include the words "Lees Corner" and the year “2019”.
  • Design for front of t-shirt only.
  • Avoid “fine detail”.
  • If submitting a hand drawing, please use pencil or black marker on white paper and submit no larger than 8.5-by-11-inch format.
  • Digital designs should be printed on 8.5-by-11-inch paper to be submitted. Please save the digital file.
  • Put your name and teacher's name on the back.
  • Multiple designs may be submitted.
  • Final T-shirt will be in two ink colors. T-shirt fabric will be royal blue, so consider that in your design.

All submissions are due to the school office by February 1, 2019.

Give it a shot & good luck to all our aspiring artists & designers!


VDOE Student School Climate Survey Update

Before the Winter Break we notified parents that  students would be taking a statewide Student School Climate Survey mandated by the Virginia Department of Education. This survey was scheduled to be conducted from Monday, January 14, 2019 to Friday, February 8, 2019. Based on feedback from principals and school administrators, Dr. Brabrand, in collaboration and consultation with the State Superintendent, has granted an exemption of the VDOE Student School Climate Survey for this year. Therefore, the VDOE Student School Climate survey will not be administered. 


FCPS' Budget Update

On January 10th, Dr. Brabrand presented the FY 2020 Proposed Budget of $3.0 billion to the School Board. This budget represents an increase of $117.4 million, or 4.1 percent, over the FY 2019 Approved Budget.

Compensation highlights in the Proposed Budget include:

  • $55.2 million Final phase of a multi-year plan to bring teacher salaries to the market average including a 1.0 percent market scale adjustment for teacher salary scales.
  • $46.8 million Step increases for all eligible employees.
  • $8.2 million 1.0 percent market scale adjustment for non-teacher employees.

In addition, the budget brings the school district closer to aligning with the four key priorities in the strategic plan: Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, and Resource Stewardship.

Dr. Brabrand’s Proposed Budget is just the beginning of a process that will end in May with the School Board’s Adopted Budget. FCPS staff as well as other community members will have an opportunity to weigh in on the Proposed Budget at public hearings. There will also be public School Board work sessions, where board members will discuss their budget priorities.

In FY 2019, FCPS received full funding for the first time in more than 20 years, thanks to meaningful and ongoing collaboration with the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive’s office. He is looking forward to working with them again to maintain FCPS’ status as a national model for excellence and equity in public education.

Please stay tuned for more budget updates in the coming weeks and months. In the interim, we encourage you to view FCPS’ FY 2020 Budget Development Calendar for more information.


Looking Ahead

January 18th is a 3 hour early release day.

January 21 is a student holiday.

January 24 is the end of the 2nd quarter.

January 25th is a teacher workday & student holiday.

February 4 is a student holiday.

February 18 is a student holiday.

March 11 is a 3 hour early release day.

April 5th is a teacher workday and student holiday.

Spring Break is April 15-19.



More Pajama Day fun & twinning too!