Student School Climate Survey

Dear Parent or Guardian,

This winter our school, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Education and the University of Virginia, is participating in a statewide student school climate survey. The purpose of this survey is to help schools assess their progress in establishing a positive school climate that promotes student learning.

I am writing to provide you with information on the student survey. The survey will be completed online using computers at school. The survey does not ask for your child’s name and all answers are anonymous (no one will know how your child answered the survey). Parents will not have access to their child’s survey answers. There is a copy of the survey available at school for your review and is available here.

The survey will ask questions such as how students feel about their school, how students get along with one another and their teachers, how students feel about school rules, their perceptions of their teachers’ willingness to help them, and how they feel about attending school. They will also be asked what kinds of bullying they may have observed at school and whether they have been bullied themselves.

The survey is voluntary and your child can decide not to participate. If you do not wish for your child to participate, please notify Assistant Principal Cliff Credle at by January 9, 2019.

Your child will not receive any immediate benefit from participating in the survey, but the survey will help us to maintain a safe, inviting, and supportive learning environment for your child.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important study of school climate.

Holly DeVore
