West Potomac HS Athletics Newsletter

Wolverine Atheltics Newsletter

August 20th-24th Athletic Week in Review


The Wolverine Varsity Football Team opened up the 2018 season with a 24-14 win over the visiting Briar Woods Falcons. Great job Wolverines!


The Wolverine Field Hockey Team continued their winning ways with a win over the JV and Varsity Falls Church Jaguars. JV won 6-0 and Varsity posted an impressive 11-0 score. Way to go Wolverines!


The Wolverine Volleyball team picked up another early win this season with a straight set victory over the Falls Church Jaguars. Great Job!

Games Schedule


5:00 PM Freshman Volleyball vs Herndon

6:00 PM Junior Varsity Volleyball vs Herndon

7:30 PM Varsity Volleyball vs Herndon

7:00 PM Varsity Field Hockey vs Mt. Vernon



5:45 PM Freshman Football vs Madison

7:30 PM Junior Varsity Football vs Madison

6:15 PM Junior Varsity Field Hockey @ Justice

7:30 PM Varsity Field Hockey @ Justice



7:00 PM Varsity Football @ Madison

Wolverine Booster Club

It's not too late to purchase your Silver Pass for the 2018-2019 School Year. This is a great way for your family to take in all of the Home West Potomac Sports Action. Please use the link below to get more information about the silver pass and how you can help the WABC.



Oktoberfest 2018

Parents only!!! Enjoy good food and fun with the WABC on October 13th. For more information please click the link below.



Follow the WABC

Instagram: wolverineboosters

Twitter: @westpoboosters

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WestPotomacBoosters/

Stay in Touch

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Social Media:

Twitter: @WestPoAthletics

Instagram: westpoathletics

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