Irving MS News

Tuesday, August 28 is the First Day of School

7:25 Morning Announcements – 7:30-2:15 Classes

Students may be dropped off beginning at 7:00 am and report directly to the cafeteria. Students need to be picked up by 2:25.

Bus Preparation

The first two weeks of school involve Bus Drivers learning routes and transportation balancing bus numbers to ensure enough space on each bus to safely get students to and from school. We highly recommend students arrive at their bus stop at least 10 minutes before the pickup time. Also, please note the buses will drop off a little later than normal the first few days as we work to help students find their buses and learn the dismissal routine at Irving.

Driving to Irving Middle School

If you drive your child to school and/or pick up your child, please pack your patience. The first week does involve long lines in the Kiss and Ride. Please remember we have students and staff walking in our parking lots and across our cross walks. To ensure EVERYONE arrives and leaves safely, please drive slow, stay off phones, be alert and be patient. Once the routine sets in, we will have smooth sailing for the year – thanks to your help and patience!

Securing Bikes

If your child rides a bike to school, please ask them to secure their bike to one of the two bike racks in front of the school. To continue positive relationships with the communities surrounding Irving Middle School, we ask students not to attach their bikes to any fences on a person’s private property. We have purchased an additional bike rack to ensure all bikes can be secured.

Student Schedules

If you were unable to attend the Open House to receive your child’s schedule, we will provide it to them on the first day of school. Please have your child report to the Student Services Office to pick up their schedule.