Olde Creek Weekly Update - August 27

Dear Olde Creek Families and Students,

We hope that you have enjoyed a relaxing and fun summer break, and that you are excited about returning to school.  Olde Creek is ready to welcome you for the 2018 – 2019 school year!  The entire staff has been working hard all summer to prepare for an amazing year at Olde Creek ES. All we need now is you!  Below is some important and helpful information as we start the year tomorrow together as a school community.

School will begin on Tuesday, August 28.  School hours are 8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Monday – Friday. The FCPS school bus transportation system is safe and reliable.  If you have bus service, we strongly encourage you to have your child ride the bus.  If you drive your child to school, please arrive no earlier than 8:15 a.m. and use the Kiss-n-Ride lane.  Please do not pull into the bus lane.  Kiss-n-Ride can be congested during the first few weeks of the school year, so please allow an adequate amount of time for arrival. For safety reasons, parents and students are not permitted to cross through the bus lane, and staff members will be present to remind parents and students of this policy. All students need to be in their classrooms by 8:30 AM or they will be marked as Tardy.

Back-to-School Night is on Wednesday, September 5th from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.  At this event, teachers will provide information about their individual classrooms, grade-level curriculum, and programs and resources available to our students and families.  This night is just for parents.  Please arrange for child care for your children.  The school doors will open at 6:30 and the classroom programs will begin at 6:45 p.m.

There are several ways that our school will be communicating with our families. Be sure to check our website (https://oldecreekes.fcps.edu/) frequently. This will have important information, as well as access to our School Calendar and our Twitter feed. An Olde Creek Weekly Update digital newsletter will be emailed regularly with important information and upcoming events. Please be sure that we have your correct email address on file so that you may receive this communication. Finally, our Friday Folder system will continue to be in place which will allow important classroom and school information to go home each week.

During the first two weeks of the school year, nearly all of our students will complete a variety of beginning of the year assessments in multiple curriculum areas. These assessments will provide our teaching staff with important information about each student so we can deliver the right type of instruction for them to be successful. Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher if you have any specific questions.

We are excited for a great first day of school tomorrow. There will be lots of smiling Olde Creek staff members ready to welcome your students to a new school year.  At the beginning of last week, you were sent a letter with the name of your child’s teacher and room number for the 2018 – 2019 school year. On the first day of school, your child will report directly to his or her classroom, and you are welcome to join them.  Staff members will also be available to help your child find their classroom throughout the first few weeks of the school year.  We ask that, after the first day of school, if you drive or walk with your child to school, that you say your goodbyes in front of the building.

We look forward to a great year together as we collaborate with students, families, and community members to create a positive place for our students to learn and grow.


Dustin Wright                                     
