Sock Hop Postponed & Olde Creek Weekly Update – March 2

Olde Creek Families...

We hope that everyone stays safe today! Due to weather cancellations, the 9th Annual OCES Sock Hop is cancelled for tonight. It has been rescheduled for Friday, March 16. We hope to see you there.

-Olde Creek ES


Olde Creek Bears Care Community Outreach Program

Please click on the link below to sign up for this week's food donations for our Olde Creek Bears Care Food Program.  Your donations provide weekend food provisions to students in need in our school community. Please drop off your food donations at Olde Creek's front office during regular office hours by Thursday, March 8th at 3:30pm.


529 Savings Plan Information Night

Please join the Olde Creek PTA on Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00 PM as Virginia 529 representatives provide information on how to prepay tuition, save for other qualified costs, receive tax advantages, and meet your savings goals.


Save the Date for PTA Events in April!

International Night – April 12

Join us for an evening to celebrate the many cultures and heritages that make the Olde Creek community such a special place.

Literacy Night – April 28

Olde Creek is celebrating reading with our first Literacy Night!  Learn about activities you can do at home to inspire your reader, participate in literacy centers, and leave with lots of resources to support your student.