Weekly Update - February 23

Way to go Green Team! Thanks for bringing awareness to our school with these amazing energy saving tips.

Read Across America Week is Next Week!

In celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday, Olde Creek will celebrate Read Across America Week next week.  See the list of daily activities below. We are excited to have our school full of the reading spirit!

Monday, 2/26

Read My Shirt Day

Wear a shirt that others can read

Tuesday, 2/27

Oh, The Places You’ll Go Day


1.     Wear a specific location themed outfit or…

2.     Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up

Wednesday, 2/28

Wacky Wednesday

Dress Wacky!

Thursday, 3/1

Cat in the Hat Day

Wear a hat to school

Friday, 3/2

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

PJ and Read-a-Thon Day

Wear PJs to school and bring a good book for the read-a-thon


529 Savings Plan Information Night Hosted by the Olde Creek PTA

Please join us on Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00 PM in the Olde Creek Cafeteria to learn about the Virginia 529 Savings Plan. There will be information on how to prepay tuition, save for other qualified costs, receive tax advantages, and meet your savings goals.


Olde Creek Bears Care Community Outreach Program

Please click on the link below to sign up for this week's food donations for our Olde Creek Bears Care Food Program.  Your donations provide weekend food provisions to students in need in our school community. Please drop off your food donations at Olde Creek's front office during regular office hours by Thursday, March 1st at 3:30pm.
