We Love Our New Lobby
The next time you
visit our school, be sure to check out some of the additions to our lobby. Ms. Margo
has created a beautiful forest mural and Ms. Staszak put together our new
Kindness Corner.
Creek’s 9th Annual Sock Hop – March 2
Mark Your Calendars for the Olde Creek Sock Hop on Friday,
March 2nd from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm. There will be a DJ, special dances, and prizes for the craziest
socks! Don't miss out on this fun Olde Creek tradition....See you at The Hop!
The organizers of the Sock Hop are looking for volunteers!
Please sign up at the link below if you are able to help out:
Olde Creek Bears Care Community Outreach Program
Please click on the link below to
sign up for this week's food donations for our Olde Creek Bears Care Food
Program. Your donations provide weekend food provisions to students in
need in our school community. Please drop off your food donations at Olde
Creek's front office during regular office hours by Thursday, February 15th at
Your membership goes a long way in
supporting the enrichment of your child's education.
Join by clicking: http://oldecreekpta.org/product-category/membership/
or by completing the form
in the OCES Front Office. Thank you!
Learning Presentation at CWES – February 20
Mark Your Calendars for a presentation at Canterbury
Woods Elementary on Blended Learning in the Classroom on Tuesday, February 20,
2018 at 6:30pm.
George Mason Professor Jered Borup
will be presenting on blended learning techniques. The presentation will be
approximately 30 minutes and then a panel of teachers from Canterbury Woods,
Olde Creek, and other Woodson pyramid elementary schools will be discussing how
they are implementing blended learning within their own schools.
Coffee will be served.